Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


studio no. 2

a project by liberty NAHS

Art styles shown (left to right) : monochromatic, line art, contemporary, and photorealism.

There is also various art featured on other walls of the gallery. This wall in particular highlights the range of art created by artists on campus."The goal of this gallery is to bring about a sense of community among the students at Liberty," Das said. "Artists get a chance to collaborate by putting together galleries, and the students viewing them get to better acquaint themselves with the Fine Arts Department at Liberty."

Types of art

"I entered two of my favorite pieces from my portfolio last year," Tuhina Das said. "AP Art students did galleries last year, and I loved putting them together, so I wanted to participate again."

Students were allowed to submit up to 2 pieces, and the art you submit isn;t limited to art you've created this year. ANy piece you've created in or outside of school while in high school is eligible for the NAHS gallery.

work from years past

What is studio no. 2?

This boosts confidence in growing artists and also helps them develop valuble business skills for later on..

If you visit the gallery and happen to find an art piece that you love, you can write your email, name, and the title of the artwork you're interested in purchasing in the notebook pictured. The artist will then get back to you about whether or not it's for sale and how much it's going for.

Want to buy art?

VASE pieces showm: Ishti Abhinav "Echoes Within", Rithika Nallamolu "Summer", Vivienne Haggard "Decadence"

Many contributing artists choose to enter previous pieces they made for VASE or other competitions, because these pieces always turn out really well. The current gallery has three pieces from this year's VASE competition.

VASE Pieces

By encouraging students to enter their art, NAHS hopes to make artists feel more confident in sharing their pieces throughout high school. "As members of NAHS, we aim to share the talent and creativity of Liberty art students with the rest of the student body," NAHS officer Al Zheng said.The gallery also aims to let the rest of the school in on what the Fine Arts student on campus have been working on.

recognizing art

Art shown is a continuous line contour by Vivienne Haggard.