Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Virginie Cappo - Farnado Ségui

Travailler avec les partenaires de l'école


Travailler avec les partenaires de l'école

Protocole d'analyse de pratique

Exposer son choix

Exposer les hypothèses et solutions retenues (5 minutes)

Ré-analyser sa pratique

5 minutes

Questionner Analyser

- Questionnement par le groupe puis, propositions d'hypothèses / celui qui a exposé écoute (20 minutes)

Dire et comprendre

Exposer au groupe / écouter en silence (15 minutes)

Analyser sa pratique

- Choisir, décrire et titrer une situation précise- Choisir collectivement (15 minutes)






Enseignants Spécialisés

Cap école inclusive

Enseignants Compléments


Relation parents/école

l'entretien individuel


Intervenants extérieurs

Collectivités locales





Merci pour votre particpation

Got an idea?

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Got an idea?

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Got an idea?

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Got an idea?

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Got an idea?

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!