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MAGENDIE - 1ère européenne

LET's go!

Hello,Today you will enter the house of Mister Norris. He was a history teacher in Magendie a long time ago and he was passionate about WWI. He has been collecting an enormous amount of artefacts from WWI. He is known to have a secret treasure hidden.Today, you will have to search through his house in order to find hidden clues to recreate a secret message that will give you access to his treasure:____ Mrs ____ __ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ "____ ____ __ ____ IN _________"To enter the house, you'll need to find a 4 digits code summarizing the passion of Mr Norris.Good luck... The Premiere euro class








Start again

The code is incorrect...

  • Look for clues in the different rooms to piece together the lost message
  • Hover your mouse around the edges of the page to navigate between rooms

Tips :


It was a big ship

The Sinking of the Lusitania


Hello,Today you will enter the house of Mister Norris. He was a history teacher in Magendie a long time ago and he was passionate about WWI. He has been collecting an enormous amount of artefacts from WWI. He is known to have a secret treasure hidden.Today, you will have to search through his house in order to find hidden clues to recreate a secret message that will give you access to his treasure:____ Mrs ____ __ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ "____ ____ __ ____ IN _________"To enter the house, you'll need to find a 4 digits code summarizing the passion of Mr Norris.Good luck... The Premiere euro class

Hello,Today you will enter the house of Mister Norris. He was a history teacher in Magendie a long time ago and he was passionate about WWI. He has been collecting an enormous amount of artefacts from WWI. He is known to have a secret treasure hidden.Today, you will have to search through his house in order to find hidden clues to recreate a secret message that will give you access to his treasure:____ Mrs ____ __ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ "____ ____ __ ____ IN _________"To enter the house, you'll need to find a 4 digits code summarizing the passion of Mr Norris.Good luck... The Premiere euro class




Goal: Find the four pieces of this puzzle hidden around the room

The first piece is hidden behind the clock

One of the eight clocks is different from the others, find it and you will find the first piece

B: 28 july 1914

A: 28 june 1914

What was the date of the assasination of Franz Ferdinand ?

The second piece is hidden where you get knowledge.

According to you, what were the last words of François Ferdinand ?

The third piece is under what killed the Archduke of Austria


You're almost there !! Only one piece to go

Assemble the puzzle : what word do you see behind ?
The last piece is located under your seat ;)

You've finished the first puzzle!


It was a big ship

Living Room

The Sinking of the Lusitania


mission 1





It was a big ship

The Sinking of the Lusitania


mission 1




ABOUT THE LUSITANIA <----- click here

Ceasar Cipher

The caesar cipher is a cipher used to quickly encrypt information, but it is not very secure. It works with a key n which is a number between 1 and 26. For each letter of the message, go n letter forward in the alphabet, going back to a if you have to go past z.

The "Caesar Box," or "Caesar Cipher," is one of the earliest known ciphers. So, what was the code?






What give A with an encryption of 5



What give a decryption of H by 5





What give an encryption of HEY by 1 ?


<------ click here









Americans entering WW1

Sinking of the lusitania

Introduction of the Lusitania




Select the image having the right date

Americans entering WW1

Sinking of the lusitania

Introduction of the Lusitania


Select the image having the right date



Select the image having the right date

Americans entering WW1

Sinking of the lusitania

Introduction of the Lusitania




<------ click here










The first letter should be T

Living Room

This strange suitcase contains documents and supplies related to Mata Hari, a spy during WW1...



question 1/7

For whom Mata Hari was a spy ?

Select the correct card:

mission 01


A person like Mata Hari didn't go around on foot.

Select the correct card:


question 3/7

She was famous thanks to her art ...

Select the correct card:


A passport was necessary to travel through Europe

question 4/7

Select the correct card:


How was she killed ?

question 5/7

Select the correct card:


Where did she come from?

question 6/6

Select the correct card:



48°50'51.9" N


You completed the memory game and discovered a ticket with some... coordinates ? They're not complete, you need to find the missing part!


Living Room


I solved it

There's an encrypted message... and a key! Maybe be it unlocks the tricolor trunk?

Living Room

I solved it

You found a piece of paper that appears to contain encrypted coordinates...

I solved it

You found a piece of paper that appears to contain an encrypted message with the decoded message corresponding but part of the decoded message is missing...

I solved it

Enter the name

What is the name of the city to which these coordinates refere ? (in small caps)(feel free to use google map)

Living Room

During World War 1, the communication means took greater importance in the way battles were fought or even in international relationships. The information was transmitted faster and with more diverse means. They used old communication means such as flags, morse code, and even animals. But new

Living Room

The Baron Rouge

Richtofen or The Baron Rouge was a famous German aviator during WW1. He died in 1918. He won many air battles thanks to his skills. Even though he was German and so an enemy, the British gave him recognition and prestige. He died in a crash on april 21st 1918 in France. The place of the crash is known but the circumstances are hazy. That's why we need you to find the exact location.

which room contains the coordinates ?

You are an explorer who is trying to find where the Baron rouge's plane crashed. You find yourself in front of two doors : only one has the correct coordinates to find the plane.They both have a sign and both signs are either wrong or right.Door A : "both rooms have the coordinates"Door B "the other room doesn't have the coordinates"You realise you can use truth tables to find the correct door.AND means both elements have to be true

which room contains the coordinates ?

You are an explorer who is trying to find where the Baron rouge's plane crashed. You find yourself in front of two doors. The correct coordinates are behind only one of the two doors.One of the writings tells the truth, the other is a lie. We don't know which is whichDoor A : "Behind this door are the good coordinates and not behind the other door"Door B "The right coordinates are only behind one of the doors"AND means both elements have to be true

For more help :

You are an explorer who is trying to find some traces of where the Baron rouge's plane crashed. You find yourself in front of two doors one which has the corrects coordinates to find the plane, the other which has the wrong ones.They both have a sign and both signs are either wrong or right.Door A : "Both rooms have the coordinates"Door B "the other room doesn't have the coordinates"You realise you can use truth tables to find the correct door.AND means both elements have to be true

A says BB says (NOT A) AND (NOT B)the columns of the truth table are :- A-B- NOT A- A AND B

You are an explorer who is trying to find where the Baron rouge's plane crashed. You find yourself in front of two doors. The correct coordinates are behind only one of the two doors.One of the writings tells the truth, the other is a lie. We don't know which is whichDoor A : "Behind this door are the good coordinates and not behind the other door"Door B "The right coordinates are only behind one of the doors"AND means both elements have to be true

For more help :

A says "A AND (NOT B)"B says "A XOR B"Use a truth table with the columns:- A- B- A AND (NOT B)- A XOR B

Complete the truth table to find the correct door

You are an explorer who is trying to find some traces of where the Baron rouge's plane crashed. You find yourself in front of two doors one which has the corrects coordinates to find the plane, the other which has the wrong ones.They both have a sign and both signs are either wrong or right.Door A : "Both rooms have the coordinates"Door B "The other room doesn't have the coordinates"You realise you can use truth tables to find the correct door.AND means both elements have to be true

You are an explorer who is trying to find where the Baron rouge's plane crashed. You find yourself in front of two doors. The correct coordinates are behind only one of the two doors.One of the writings tells the truth, the other is a lie. We don't know which is whichDoor A : "Behind this door are the good coordinates and not behind the other door"Door B "The right coordinates are only behind one of the doors"AND means both elements have to be true

Complete the truth table to find the correct door
Click on the coordinates to find the location of the baron rouge
You found a note ! Here's what it says :

39.76361543171856, -39.498899633568804


You got the wrong coordinates ! But thankfully, the room isn't a trap, so you can still turn back. Go and find the correct location of the plane.

Click on the coordinates to find the location of the baron rouge.
You found a note ! Here's what it says :

49.93224401406736, 2.537383468982769


You found the plane and there's a message on it :

During World War 1, the communication means took greater importance in the way battles were fought or even in international relationships. The information was transmitted faster and with more diverse means. They used old communication means such as flags, morse code, and even animals. But new technologies helped the spread of electrical means such as telegraph, radio or telephone. Some messages became actual turning points in the war. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent by a German general to Mexico offering an alliance against the US. Their goal was to distract the US on another front while they were breaking the submarine warfare treaties. It forced the US into entering the war on England and France’s side. They declared war on Germany on April 2nd 1917. Their rising power and military capacity gave them a deciding advantage in the last two years of the war until Germany was forced to sign an armistice on November 11th 1918.


Decode the letters in red to find the message

Zimmerman's telegram

Sa ejpajz pk xacej kj pda benop kb Baxnqwnu qjnaopneypaz oqxiwneja swnbwna. Sa odwhh ajzawrkn ej olepa kb pdeo pk gaal pda Qjepaz Opwpao kb Wianeyw jaqpnwh. Ej pda arajp kb pdeo jkp oqyyaazejc, sa iwga Iateyk w lnklkowh kb whhewjya kj pda bkhhksejc xwoeo: iwga swn pkcapdan, iwga lawya pkcapdan, cajankqo bejwjyewh oqllknp wjz wj qjzanopwjzejc kj kqn lwnp pdwp Iateyk eo pk naykjmqan pda hkop pannepknu ej Patwo, Jas Iateyk, wjz Wnevkjw. Pda oapphaiajp ej zapweh eo habp pk ukq. Ukq sehh ejbkni pda Lnaoezajp kb pda wxkra ikop oaynaphu wo okkj wo pda kqpxnawg kb swn sepd pda Qjepaz Opwpao kb Wianeyw eo yanpwej, wjz wzz pda oqccaopekj pdwp da odkqhz, kj deo ksj ejepewpera, ejrepa Fwlwj pk eiiazewpa wzdanajya wjz wp pda owia peia iazewpa xapsaaj Fwlwj wjz kqnoahrao. Lhawoa ywhh pda Lnaoezajp'o wppajpekj pk pda bwyp pdwp pda nqpdhaoo ailhkuiajp kb kqn oqxiwnejao jks kbbano pda lnkolayp kb Ajchwjz ej w bas ikjpdo pk iwga lawya. Oecjaz, Veiianiwjj”E oajz iu zawnaop aopaai wjz zarkpekj pk ukq!

Good job detectives

Living Room

Gangrene of the foot

What was the most common, disease in the trenches during WW1 ?

Step 1: Participants will have to read a letter, in this letter, some letters will be followed by a number from 1 to 16. This number shows the order in which the letters must be placed in order to find the encrypted message

Letter to decrypt:April 16, 1916 My dear Mme Jacq7/15ueline, I'm writing to tell you that I had a close encounter13 with death last night, but now all is well. I saw11 my whole life flash before my eyes. Due to s2hellfire in my trench, the alco4ve where I slep1t collapsed, killing two of my comrades in the process3. My leg got infected and the5 doctors had to cut it off. Now I'm safe because they've transferred me10 out of the combat zone14. I can tell you I'm glad to be out of that hellhole of rats, lice, crabs, mud, dead bodies and artillery fire of all kinds. Even though I've told you in my previous letters, i16t's horrible here, the smell of c8omrades dead for three days. But desp9ite all this unhappiness and hatred, I keep thinking of you, Jacqueline. You light up my heart like the sun rising over the battlefield, still smoking from the shells of yesterday.I hope I will be back for X6/12mas.Your Jean Claude Itri, 20 years old

Step 2: Once you have found the coded message, decrypt the message with a shift of four letter backwards : E is A
Sentence to be found: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Good job!

His name was Victor Préauchat. Incorporated into the 47 RI of Saint-Malo, he died at Verdun on June 29, 1916. Three days earlier, he had written his last letter.

Victor Préauchat Victor Préauchat was an innkeeper in Saint-Méen-le-Grand. Enlisted in March 1915, he was killed on June 29, 1916, at Thiaumont-devant-Verdun, aged of 40. On arrival at the military camp, he was given a red kepi covered by a blue kepi cap, cartridge belts, a shovel, particularly for digging trenches as well as a Lebel rifle. After putting on his soldier's uniform, he had to get into a truck and head straight for the Chattancourt trenches.


What color was the kepi given to Victor Préauchat when he arrived at the military camp ?


February 21st - December 18th, 1916

Verdun remains one of the longest and deadliest battles of the First World War. Artillery was responsible for 80% of casualties, and the men's role mainly consisted of surviving and dying in the worst possible conditions on ground transformed into hell, all for no military result. In all, 306,000 men lost their lives in the battle, and 412,000 were seriously wounded.

(click on the right answer)

~450 000
~1 500 000
~700 000

How many casualties were there during the Battle of Verdun ?

700 000 casualties

This terrible battle was started by the German army. According to General von Falkenhayn, commander-in-chief of the German army, the aim of the battle was to destroy the French army and started with a rain of shells. Indeed, 1,200 cannons pulverized the French on the morning of the 21st of February.The general wanted to put an end to the war of position and relaunch the war of movement.

(click on the right answer)

a war of movement
a war of position
What kind of war started following the orders of General Von Falkenhayn ?
A war of movement




Remerciements à : Carine Daux pour son partageJustine B pour sa collaboration


Ta mission est maintenant terminée...

Félicitations! Tu es enfin arrivé à Tokyo !


Conseil : regarde bien le tableau des vols...

Mauvais mot de passe...Essaie encore !