Keso Okriashvili
Created on March 20, 2024
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ENT-1777-03-24/SPNeymoKeso Okriashvili, Abdoule Bah, Cedric Valbrun & Cequan Wynn
Reducing stigma towards & increasing employment opportunities for individuals living with disabilities.
Meet the team:
Keso Okriashvili
Abdoule Bah
Challenge 3 - Group 2
Fulfilment center
We will have recruiters every two months, going out of state to locate and employ individuals with disabilities. They will be given a chance to work either remote or on site jobs. If they have a degree in a specific field, it can be subject to a raise.
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External & Internal Stakeholders
- Researchers
- Non-emergency medical transporters
- Licensed therapist (physical and mental)
- Architect
- Executive manager
- Facility manager
- Trainers
- Merchandising companies
As a company and a team overall, we intend to make international trade a much easier proccess. We will aid in these aspects : - Currency fluctuations- Supply chain distruption- Regulatory Compliance- Cultural and language - Currency conversions
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Analogous Inspiriation
Challenge 3 - Group 2
Only 5 states have disability programs.Over 42.5 Million disabled individuals in America alone, 13%.
Initially being inspired by professor V's mother, we did extensive reaserch on how individuals with disibilities live and how they are able to monuver around their disibility.
(FIGURE 3. Top 10 Causes of Disability Among adults-Survey of Income And. . ., n.d.)
Disibilities are common. It can happen to anyone.
Disibilities can be caused by:
back pain,
heart problems,
repitory problems,
hearing problems,
limb problems,
vision problems,
and stroke.
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Challenge 3 - Group 2
Goal eight works towards decent work for all. Our challange is directly related to this SDG as we are working towards higher employment with individuals with disabilities.
Education is extremely important as without it, the stigma towards individuals with disabilities will remain the same. This is prominant in society and hiring managers.
Sustainable Devlopment Goals
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Dr. Dimitri Kessaris is one of the founders of Luv Michael, a non-profit organization which solely employees autistic adults creating delicious granola. The founder provides knowledge and compassion to the organization; thus, guiding his son, Michael Kessaris whom is autistic, to follow his dreams.Luv Michael has volunteering roles which spreads awareness and enlightens students from early on.
+ info
" Luv Michael is made up of compassionate individuals whose mission is to train, educate and employ people with Autism."
Dr. Dimitri KessarisFounder and VP of Luv Michael
Challenge 3 - Group 2
"When people think disability they thinkinability; they will have more problems if they choose to hire the person. This is not only wrong but lazy. Some of these people had executive positions before they were disabled, thinking that they can’t possibly bring any value to a company is insane."
"I am personally affected by the discrimination because I have a son who is autistic. I wanted to open doors for people just like him and create opportunities where they won’t be turned away."
"What motivated you to start a company hiring only people that are autistic?"
Interview with Expert
"What advice would you give to employers who are hesitant on hiring individuals with disabilities?"
"As an expert in this field, what are some of the most common misconceptions about people living with disabilities?"
Keso Okriashvili
Dr. Dimitri Kessaris
"People with disabilities aren’t just disabled people. They are kind, patient and fair which can get lost as people grow into adulthood. Take a chance and give them the opportunity. If it doesn’t work out then you will know for sure."
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"I feel like it’s the limited amount of diverse jobs."
"Education plates a big role in this, people aren’t taught about disabilities and we build this stigma around it that’s completely not true."
"I feel like people with disabilities are often misrepresented. There’s this stereotype against them where they can’t do the work like someone without disabilities."
"Can you share your understanding on current societal stigma regarding people with disabilities in the workplace?"
Interview with classmate
"In your opinion, what role does education play in changing the biased mindset when hiring someone who’s disabled?"
"From your perspective, what are the barriers that prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing employment opportunities?"
"Are there any government policies that can promote equal employment and address the discrimination?"
"Not any that I can think of at the moment."
Daniela Pusmucane, Group 3
Keso Okriashvili
Daniela Pusmucane
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Findings from interview
Challenge 3 - Group 2
Disabilities are over looked. They aren't seen as beings whom can be in a proffessional setting.
Limited diverse jobs.
Education is lacked in both the general population and hiring managers
Hiring managers see individuals with disiabilities as liabilities.
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Ideation Synthesis P1
Too Narrow
Just Right
Too broad
Challenge 3 - Group 2
Standards-based Goals
Disibilities and solutions
Hearing Impairment
Cognitive Difficulty
Ambulatory Difficulty
Self-care & independent living difficulty
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Mark McTaylor
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- 25 Years Old
- Single
- Brooklyn, NY
- Degree in Software
- Works in customer service
- After college, he was hurt in
- Salary of $38K
- Rents one bedroom
- Gains from
- Wakes up at 6am, gets
- Since he uses a wheelchair he
- Gets off of work at 9 pm.
- His friend drives him home and he
- Makes dinner and watches TV.
- Goes to sleep around 11pm.
Day in the life
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Ideation Synthesis P2Retail Customer Journey
Challenge 3 - Group 2
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
The individual struggling with a disablity is looking for a job.
Attends the event and gets an interview right away .
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Company arranges a way to pay the individual and recieve disibility funding.
The individual goes through training and testing to make sure the job is a good fit.
Step 7
The individual goes to work and gets payed regularly.
Sees an ad about a hiring event for diabled people.
"I need to pay my bills but no one is hiring me eventhough I meet their requirements."
"This company might hire me!"
"Got to talk to someone kind and undertsanding as soon as I walked in."
"Without disibility funding, It would've been much harder for me to manage my medical bills."
"Were considereate to provide transportation and aid at the center if anything were to go wrong. "
"Very consistent and punctual. They made sure that my requirments were met."
"I love my job and how I'm treated at Neymo! "
The company aids in transportation to work if they aren't remote.
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Challenge 3 - Group 2
Findings from imersing ouselves in context
When taking the time to really observe disabled people or even the newly disabled individuals in the area, we realized most of them tend to have depression. It's sad but self explanatory, they feel out of place in a world where 90% of the world can't understand them.
Depending on the disability, the individual could be unable to work like they used to or unable completely. But here at Neymo, we found a way to combat the situation.
Disability and Health Overview | CDC. (2024, April 3). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. FIGURE 3. Top 10 causes of disability among adults-Survey of Income and. . . (n.d.). ResearchGate.,(3).%20. . . Pew Research Center. (2023, July 24). For Disability Pride Month, 8 facts about Americans with disabilities | Pew Research Center.,care%20or%20independent%20living%20difficulties. Robichaud, T. (2020, April 2). 6 General types of disabilities. Changing Paces. US Census Bureau. (2023, June 27). The South had highest disability rate among regions in 2021.
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Presentation brought to you by:
Amulatory Difficulty
- Accounting ( avg salery 70K)
- Legal assistant ( avg salery 51K )
- Cyber security ( avg salery 130K )
Selfcare & independent living difficulty
- IT specialist ( avg salery 60K )
- Developer ( avg salery 110k)
- Financial analyst ( avg salery 80K )
- Writer or Editor ( avg salery $120K )
- Graphic Designer ( avg salery $60K )
- Data Entery Clerk ( avg salery $20K )
Hearing Impairment
- Radio Broadcaster ( avg salery 52K )
- Customer Service Rep ( avg salery 40K )
- Teacher Counselor ( avg salery 60K )
Cognitive Difficulty
- Janitor ( avg salery 52K )
- Hospitality/ food service ( avg salery 40K-60K )
- Manufacturing ( avg salery 90K )