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Find this below the presentation & Click it to edit your own copy.

Complete each notes page, make sure to add your example & pictures

GRACEFELE Culture Notes

Delete this when you've added your images.
Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
A government is a sytem that controls and overwiews a community

Personal Definition

An institution that makes, enforces, and interprets the law



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Belief in something super natural
Belief in a Higher power



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Builidings/Infastructure in a Society
Homes, Buildings, infrastructure, materials used



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Any Item worn on the body
Fashion, Style, Jewerly, Tatoos, Traditions



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
The part of a society that makes money
Jobs, techonology, currency, trade



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Anything consumed
Types acceptable to eat, holiday tradtions, availability due to physical geography



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Knowledge being shared
Value of a group, economic conditions, role of a nation/state/town/etc.



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
All forms of communication
Common to a group, educational oppurtunities, body language.



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Different forms of amusement
Art, music, dance, sports, hobbies




Paste a link to your creation here.


Personal Essay

Recipe Book

+Opinion Piece

+Comic Strip

+Recipe book


Comic Strip

Choice Board

Create a comic strip!

It must...
  • be a cohesive strip about your culture.
  • Include images and dialogue
  • Include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics

Create an Infographic

It must...
  • Describe how each image or video relates to your culture, home, and family background
  • Be original with images and details
  • Include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics

Create a Personal Essay

Must be Times New Roman, 12 pt font, essay format (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion)Must have three to five sentences for each characteristicsMust include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics


First, create a presentation in Canva. You must...
  • describe how each recipe relates to your culture, home, and family
  • be COMPLETE recipes
  • include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics
Then, use the instructions on the right to turn your presentation into a flip recipe book!