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Complete each notes page, make sure to add your example & pictures

GRACEFELE Culture Notes

A group of high end people who make laws and enforces them like (president, senent)

Personal Definition

An institutution that makes and enforces and interprets laws.



Personal Definition

A group of people that beilieve in the same thing about how the world was made and how we should live our lives
Belief in a higher power; type (christianity, islam, judaism, etc...) government role, opposition groups



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Places that were made for people to live and work in and what they used to make it.
Homes, buildings, infrastructure, materials used



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
Things that you wear or have to show how grateful and powerful you are.
Fashion/jewelry, tattoos, traditions



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
What people do to get things and work.
Jobs, technology, currency, trade



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
What you eat on a daily basis and special holidays.
types acceptable to eat, holiday traditions, availibilty, due to physical geography



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
a group of people that go to school to get good jobs and help out there state when they get a job.
value of a group, economic conditions, role of a nation/state/town/etc.



Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
how people talk to one another and show it with how there body is and reacts to the conversation.
common to a group, educational oppurtunities, body language



Paste a link to your creation here.


Personal Essay

Recipe Book

+Opinion Piece

+Comic Strip

+Recipe book


Comic Strip

Choice Board

Personal Definition

Click each picture, Click the word replace, and find a picture that represents the vocabulary word.
how they entertain themselves like with watching people dance, play sports, and listen to music
Art, music, dance, sports, hobbies



Create a comic strip!

It must...
  • be a cohesive strip about your culture.
  • Include images and dialogue
  • Include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics

Create an Infographic

It must...
  • Describe how each image or video relates to your culture, home, and family background
  • Be original with images and details
  • Include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics

Create a Personal Essay

Must be Times New Roman, 12 pt font, essay format (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion)Must have three to five sentences for each characteristicsMust include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics


First, create a presentation in Canva. You must...
  • describe how each recipe relates to your culture, home, and family
  • be COMPLETE recipes
  • include 5 of the 9 GRACEFELE characteristics
Then, use the instructions on the right to turn your presentation into a flip recipe book!