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Coach Journey -During Utravel Club


Coach Journey -During Utravel Club


Eighth Day

Seventh Day

Sixth Day

Fifth Day

Managing the Club

First Day

Second Day

Third Day


Fourth Day



how to communicate the bookings to suppliers?


how to manage the payments for the experiences

About the experiences, we stress that you must collect the payment ALWAYS before the experience starts, otherwise we risk the client doesn't pay us afterwords.We recommend collecting the payments during the Nowtimes for the experiences scheduled in the following couple of days.Also, ALWAYS make sure who pays you is also registered to the experience through the App.


You should pay the suppliers on the day the experience takes place, since you'll meet them for the clients' departure to the experience.Remember to pay only the price you see recorded as the cost for the experience.The clients will pay you slightly more because we also charge commissions, which you should keep as small treasure that can be useful for future Clubs (ex. to pay an experience for a client if we are at fault for a bad service they had).Check the commissions for each experience in your Notion Space, under "Commissions", where you have to record all the commissions you receive for each experience:



how to find the commissions


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You should pay the suppliers on the day the experience takes place, since you'll meet them for the clients' departure to the experience.Remember to pay only the price you see recorded as the cost for the experience.The clients will pay you slightly more because we also charge commissions, which you should keep as small treasure that can be useful for future Clubs (ex. to pay an experience for a client if we are at fault for a bad service they had).Check the commissions for each experience in your Notion Space, under "Commissions", where you have to record all the commissions you receive for each experience:
Normally you should avoid participating to the experiences with the clients as you are not their guide, but we recommend doing an experience in the second day of the Club, as the clients will be still trying to form bonds, and your role will be to facilitate this process and help the people in getting along and have fun together.In the evening you will host the second Nowtime "Welcome to the Club", where you will facilitate even more the process of creating connections with the clients and among the clients.
You might already meet some of the clients on your flight.Once you arrive, buy a simcard from the airport and monitor the arrival of the other clients to the hotel. If someone doesn't have the transfer with us, give them advice on how to get to the hotel, via Connect.If an experience is scheduled on the first day, make sure to collect the payments from clients before allowing them to go do it.During the first Nowtime, make sure that you:1)Present yourself properly as the Coach, clarifying your role and that you won't be their tour guide in the destination (which means you won't join them in all their activities)2)Present the experiences and give sincere advice to clients (no need to push for selling specific activities)3)Start collecting the payments for the experiences scheduled in the next couple of days. Make sure clients who pay you are also registered for the experience on the App, and remind clients of the importance of registering to the experiences on the App
Full day experience and this is your day off.Still, you need to be available in case of real emergency.

get template

1)On the day the registration to the experience closes, get the participants' list2)Collect the due payment from the clients (check from the App the cost of the experience).Make sure you do it before they go to the experience3)Send the final participants' list to the supplier only of people who paid you (you find the supplier' contacts in your "Destination Infos" in Notion. If you can't get it from Retool you can make your own sheet using this template:What if a client wants to join an experience last minute? (and they pay you immediately)Tell them you will ask the supplier and remind them to be careful next time. Contact the supplier to understand if you can accomodate the client.
Full day experience with no Nowtime.You will meet the clients in the hotel in the evening.Remind clients to fill-out the survey which they will receive on the App in the third day, to give a feedback on how the Club is going.Stress the fact that you are there to help them and to let you know through the feedback if they had any issues, so that you can intervene and solve them.
Make sure all the clients reach the airport in time for their flights. Talk in advance with the transfer supplier to know when it is organized for the clients who booked with us.After their departure, send them a farewell message in Connect, highlighting how much fun it was to be their Coach and hoping to see them in other destinations around the world.Also, share with them your discount code.
Fourth Nowtime organized by you.
Third Nowtime organized by you.
Saudade Nowtime where clients share their memories of the Club. It should be an emotional moment.