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LEARNING and reading at hill house school


The 3i's of learning

the hhs curriculum



Develop a strong phonic awareness with effective blending and decoding skills We aim to discover to best approach to learning in this area to enable our students to succeed - whether this be a phonics approach or building on the strategies they have created for themselves as Gestalt language processors. The work Class 2 will be doing is aiming to progress the students interest and awareness in booksFor students to work on their IEP targets and within the HHS Curriculum Aims during their learning

developing literacy and a love of reading


As part of the literacy curriculum, the current topic area for KS5 is 'Creating an Interest - Books'.Students also have Literacy targets, as well as Reading/ Phonics targets set for this. All of Class 2 are literate readers so we are able to focus primarily on interest in books this term.Engagement in reading and books can be done in 4 stages. Some students may progress through the steps, others may remain on earlier stages depending on their engagement and ability.

developing literacy and a love of reading


developing literacy and a love of reading



thank you!


Students will build independence by:Exploring libraries and books with less support from staffUnderstand the importance of different reading material in every day lifeBuild reading and writing skills that can support their skills for adulthood

stage 1

Listening to stories Looking at different books that draw the attention Engaging in sensory stories Engage with books in a appropriate way - sitting, turning the pages, looking at the pages


Develop a range of skills that will equip them to live in modern Britain. Enjoy memorable and enjoyable learning experiences Develop an understanding of their own autonomy whilst developing positive relationships with those around them Experience the world of work


Develop a love of learning!Develop the ability to acquire, develop, practice, apply and extend their skills in a range of contextsLearn from the best that has been thought and said Promote spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development.


Support students to make steps towards their EHCP outcomes Engage with a formal curriculum with meaning and purposeDevelop the ability to take risks with learning and try new things

Ambitious and MeaningfulAll students enjoy a broad and rich learning experienceAppropriate to all ages, needs, aptitudes and barriersPrepare students for the next steps into adulthood



Students will build communication skills through: Sharing thoughts and opinions Developing reading and spelling skills that can be transferred to use of the Talkpad Working on areas of speech and language (pronunciation)

stage 2

Exploring the in class library Engaging in physical activities that follow a story Expressing opinion and choice about booksBegin sequencing events from a story in the correct order

Increased access to educationIncreased access to the community and co curricular activities Yearly and termly progress data - students meeting and exceeding expectations Development of communication skills Students develop a love of learning!


self regulation

Students will work on self regulation by:Implementing necessary strategies that may support them to calm in environments they are accessing books/ reading They may discover reading or accessing the library as a 'clever action'


Students will work on resilience by: Reading a full book or accessing an activity for a prolonged period Engaging with books in an appropriate way Work on pronunciation and speech skills that require support and correction


Develop students ability to communicate - make choices, decisions and ask for help. Build confidence and self empowerment in communication.Develop a sense of autonomy and freedom

stage 4

Go into the community to visit the local public library - use communication skills based on reading and writing in the communityBegin working on book reviews, culminating knowledge of the material and expressing own thoughts and feelingsMore challenging comprehension based activities around recalling knowledge and interpreting information from a textUsing own imagination to produce creative writing/ story board work

self regulation

Develop awareness, understanding and respect for their environment. Increased self esteem Use a range of systems to support self regulation and awareness of their own sensitivityUnderstanding of British Values


Students can discover:A love of reading - genre, story, source of informationA new interest based on non fiction they have exploredThey joy of imaginationExpanding knowledge that can be applied to the wider world

Sixth Form Curriculum is sequenced according to study that will support acheivement of OCR Life and Living Skills Award. Students access learning through curriculum based lessons.Students are set IEPs each term to support their personal developmentAssessment through review of evidence in learning journeys each term


stage 3

Explore the school library Interact with books more independently Learn about fiction and non fiction - explore preferences Begin discussing and giving opinion about characters and plot points