Resource Development
Jessica Jensen
Created on March 17, 2024
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INFO 5345 - Module 4Jessica Wright - Spring 2024
Key Concept
Resource Development
Key Concept
Key Concept
Citations for Articles
- Anderson, Cynthia. (2011). Free money! Knowledge Quest, 40(2), 10-13.
- Foote, C. (2019). Future ready library spaces. Knowledge Quest, 47(3), 8.
- Franklin, P., & Stephens, C. (2006). Managing clerical staff in the library media center. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 23(3), 46-47
Getting Started - Identify the short term, and long term goals that you would like to accomplish in this space. Plan - Create a plan for how you would like your space to look. It doesn't need to be extensive, but it can be achievable steps that can be completed over a short or long term of time. Collaborate - Work with a team! This can be a group of a variety of stakeholders that the library supports. Have them share their ideas of the space - this can be from touring other campuses, or interviewing other campuses. Identify Recommendations - Take the recommendations from the group to create a plan. Execute - Take the plan to admin, or share with the school board if it is a larger renovation request. Just know that even the smallest aspects can make a difference!
Key Concept
Application for Future
Currently I am serving as a librarian in a recently constructed building - opened within the last five years. While there could be the potential to move into a library position that would be up for remodel, at the time I am looking primarily at the smaller redesign of the library to meet the objectives and goals for the library space. It is important to note that when redesigning the space to fit the needs of the students, all of the steps can still be followed to find out how to best serve all patrons.
Brainstorm - Think about how you would like the personnel in the space to operate. What would you like for them to achieve? Consult - Work with the current volunteers/ assistants, or other media specialists to seek out what they believe their duties are. Create - Take the district guidelines if available, and create a job description to bring to building admin for approval. Share - The most important aspect is to discuss and review with the volunteers/assistant.
Key Concepts
Application for Future
Whether you as the librarian have an employeed assistant, adult volunteers, or student aides, there is always an opportunity for the community to make a positive impact to help in the library space. Currently, I have a full time library assistant, and I have found that it is essential to keep an open line of communication. That way there are clear deliverables for each day/week and a time frame to accomplish them. Clear expectatations within the job description with kindness, and understanding in delivery will help with the success of both the partnership, and the success of the library program.
For the Kids - Always focus on the benefit of the kids. Benefactors want to improve the lives of students, and give opportunities for them to flourish in school. Connect It - Connect the grant application to the school's learning goals, or have it connected to the school's acacemic data. Be A Light - Radiate positivity, and kindness throughout the application process. Follow interviews, and decisions are important to share that light too! Have Your Elevator Speech Ready - Grant opportunities pop up throughout the calendar year. Be prepared at any moment with all of the materials that you could need to submit the application.
Key Concept
Application for the Future
Although I work at a school district that has fought to adequately fund the library, the allocated funds are already given towards certain aspects of the library space. Grants will be important to keep growing with the trends that will arise in the education sector. For example, in regard to the coding sector or digital creating platforms. Grants can also be for small amounts of money that allow for an engaging library space like a breakfast for the Texas Bluebonnet readers, or a grant to get more makerspace materials that allow for students to connect to a library lesson.