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Drawing Studio Catch Up Plan

Unit 5

5.7- Submit Sketch for Final Drawing 5

5.8- Submit Completed Final Drawing 5

5.9 - Submit Artist Statement 5

5.10 - Review and complete Unit 5 Test

Unit 4

4.7- Submit Sketch for Final Drawing 4

4.8- Submit Completed Final Drawing 4

4.9 - Submit Artist Statement 4

4.10 - Review and complete Unit 4 Test

Unit 3

3.7- Submit Sketch for Final Drawing 3

3.8- Submit Completed Final Drawing 3

3.9 - Submit Artist Statement 3

3.10 - Review and complete Unit 3 Test

Unit 2

2.7- Submit Sketch for Final Drawing 2

2.8- Submit Completed Final Drawing 2

2.9 - Submit Artist Statement 2

2.10 - Review and complete Unit 2 Test

Unit 1

1.7- Submit Sketch for Final Drawing 1

1.8- Submit Completed Final Drawing 1

1.9 - Submit Artist Statement 1

1.10 - Review and complete Unit 1 Test

Write an artist statement about your Final Drawing 3 on page 4 in Edio lesson 3.9 Submit Artist Statement 3. Use the sentence starters provided in edio if needed.

Write an artist statement about your Final Drawing 4 on page 4 in Edio lesson 4.9 Submit Artist Statement 4. Use the sentence starters provided in edio if needed.

Complete the review lesson in 1.10. It has all the condensed information from lessons 1.1-1.6. Then, complete the test in 1.10. Use the study guide linked below for extra review

Complete the review lesson in 2.10. It has all the condensed information from lessons 2.1-2.6. Then, complete the test in 2.10. Use the study guide linked below for extra review

Don't forget to answer the reflection questions on page 5!

After you have completed your drawing, submit an image of it on page 4 in lesson 2.8 in Edio

Continue working on your sketch. Completely color in your drawing using at least 2 of the drawing techniques we learned about.

Don't forget to answer the reflection questions on page 5!

After you have completed your drawing, submit an image of it on page 4 in lesson 2.8 in Edio.

Continue working on your sketch. Completely shade in your drawing using at least 2 of the drawing techniques we learned about.

Write an artist statement about your Final Drawing 5 on page 4 in Edio lesson 5.9 Submit Artist Statement 5. Use the sentence starters provided in edio if needed.

Don't forget to answer the reflection questions on page 5!

After you have completed your drawing, submit an image of it on page 4 in lesson 2.8 in Edio.

Continue working on your sketch. Completely shade in your drawing using at least 2 of the drawing techniques we learned about.

Complete the review lesson in 5.10. It has all the condensed information from lessons 5.1-5.6. Then, complete the test in 5.10. Use the study guide linked below for extra review

Your sketch should be an outline, not a completed drawing. You will continue working on the sketch in 2.8 to complete and submit a finished drawing

Choose which option you would like to complete for Final Drawing 2 and begin the drawing by completing a sketch. Upload an image of your sketch on page 4 in lesson 2.7 in edio and submit.

Option 1 Example:

Option 2 Example:

Option 3 Example:

Complete the review lesson in 4.10. It has all the condensed information from lessons 4.1-4.6. Then, complete the test in 4.10. Use the study guide linked below for extra review

Write an artist statement about your Final Drawing 2 on page 4 in Edio lesson 2.9 Submit Artist Statement 2. Use the sentence starters provided in edio if needed.

Don't forget to answer the reflection questions on page 5!

After you have completed your drawing, submit an image of it on page 4 in lesson 5.8 in Edio

Continue working on your sketch. Completely color in your drawing using at least 2 of the drawing techniques we learned about throughout this course

Option 2 Example

Your sketch should be an outline, not a completed drawing. You will continue working on the sketch in 4.8 to complete and submit a finished drawing

Choose which option you would like to complete for Final Drawing 4 and begin the drawing by completing a sketch. Upload an image of your sketch on page 4 in lesson 4.7 in edio and submit.

Option 1 Example

Option 3 Example

Your sketch should be an outline, not a completed drawing. You will continue working on the sketch in 1.8 to complete and submit a finished drawing

Choose which option you would like to complete for Final Drawing 1 and begin the drawing by completing a sketch. Upload an image of your sketch on page 4 in lesson 1.7 in edio and submit.

Option 1 Example:

Option 2 Example:

Option 3 Example:

Write an artist statement about your Final Drawing 1 on page 4 in Edio lesson 1.9 Submit Artist Statement 1. Use the sentence starters provided in edio if needed.

Complete the review lesson in 3.10. It has all the condensed information from lessons 3.1-3.6. Then, complete the test in 3.10. Use the study guide linked below for extra review

Option 2 Example

Your sketch should be an outline, not a completed drawing. You will continue working on the sketch in 2.8 to complete and submit a finished drawing

Choose which option you would like to complete for Final Drawing 2 and begin the drawing by completing a sketch. Upload an image of your sketch on page 4 in lesson 2.7 in edio and submit.

Option 1 Example

Option 3 Example

After you have completed your drawing, submit an image of it on page 4 in lesson 2.8 in Edio.

Continue working on your sketch. Completely color in your drawing using at least 2 of the drawing techniques we learned about.

Don't forget to answer the reflection questions on page 5!

Review your options here

Your sketch should be an outline, not a completed drawing. You will continue working on the sketch in 5.8 to complete and submit a finished drawing

Choose which option you would like to complete for Final Drawing 5 and begin the drawing by completing a sketch. Upload an image of your sketch on page 4 in lesson 5.7 in edio and submit.