Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


How to become an Ambassador ?


Proactive behavior

Consistency with our philosophy

Remember and be remembered


Click on each card to find out more. Once finished, click on the blue button below this interactive activity.

Cliquez sur chaque carte pour en savoir plus. Une fois terminé, cliquez sur le bouton bleu en dessous de cette activité interactive.

It's important to be proactive, involved and diligent, so that your dynamic attitude draws visitors into the world of our brands.

Proactive behavior

Consistency with our philosophy

Remember and be remembered


It's important to be proactive, involved and diligent, so that your dynamic attitude draws visitors into the world of our brands.

Proactive behavior

Consistency with our philosophy

Remember and be remembered


Click on each card to find out more. Once finished, click on the blue button below this interactive activity.

As a point of contact with brands, the consistency of our values and philosophy is once again essential.

Proactive behavior

Consistency with our philosophy

Remember and be remembered


Click on each card to find out more. Once finished, click on the blue button below this interactive activity.

You should adopt the motto "Remember and be remembered". By following this motto, your relationships with your customers will certainly reach a higher level and you'll be able to build long-term relationships!

Proactive behavior

Consistency with our philosophy

Remember and be remembered


Click on each card to find out more. Once finished, click on the blue button below this interactive activity.

You must show your desire to help visitors discover the world of our brands. You need to accompany them on their discovery and journey through the store. Make the presentation and discovery of our products a unique and memorable experience.

Proactive behavior

Consistency with our philosophy

Remember and be remembered


Click on each card to find out more. Once finished, click on the blue button below this interactive activity.