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My style

o meu estilo

Apresentação de Inglês


João Godinho nº8 8ºB

Título 2

I live in Ourique, since i was born, with my brother my mom and my dad.

Hello my name is João Godinho and i have 13 years old .

I think everyone should dress well, but we don't need to spend five hundred euros on shoes or a coat, but everyone knows about themselves, maximum three hundred euros.

I have nothing against Belenciaga ... I mean, thinking about it better, I do.

I mean, This is too much in the negative sense.

I have nothing against Belenciaga... I mean, thinking about it better, I do.

I think that the fashion is not important!But when i say that the fashion is not important, i'm heading to those Belenciaga fashion shows.

Baggy :)

My style is :

I have nothing against Belenciaga ... I mean, thinking about it better, I do.

Timberland Boots

Baggy jeans


Why did I choose it?

I choose this style, cause I am inspired by 2pac.

This was my presentation, I hope you liked it.