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Blood trails

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11.º E
Made by: Afonso Filipe N.º 1 Dilan Rocha N.º 5Francisco Diogo N.º 7 Francisco Tavares N.º 8Francisco Campos N.º 9 Leonardo Costa N.º 16
Characters and story


Characters and Story

  • Sérgio Calado and Jorge Mendes have a past in common. They crossed paths at the same police station of Guimarães. Together, they have been solving cases.
  • Mashid and Mohammed have arrived at Portugal through a refugee boat with other 100 people. They have been working for Dr. Pinto da Costa although with poor conditions and a minimum wage.
  • Ling lang, a Chinese man who owns one of the biggest warehouses in the country, has lived in Portugal since 1999 after Macau has returned to the Chinese control.
  • Dmitriev, is a employee at ling Lang's warehouse, little is known about him, since he is a quiet man.

Francisco Diogo


aFONSO filipe

Ling Lang

Dilan roCHA

Jorge Mendes

Francisco Campos

Dmitriev Mestrovich

Characters and Story

  • Sérgio Calado and Jorge Mendes have a past in common. They crossed paths at the same police station of Guimarães. Together, they have been solving cases.
  • Mashid and Mohammed have arrived at Portugal through a refugee boat with other 100 people. They have been working for Dr. Pinto da Costa although with poor conditions and a minimum wage.
  • Dr. Pinto da Costa is a wealthy businessman in his hometown of Varziela, very popular among chinese people. Dedicates most of his time to agriculture.

aFONSO filipe

Pinto da Costa



Francisco tavares

Sérgio Calado


Arrest Ling Lang


Arrest Dmitriev

Arrest the Moroccans