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New Zealand

The New ZealAnd is a archipelago in the oceania continent.The New Zealand is formed by two major islands and is situated in the south of the Pacific Ocean.


The both of the major islands are crossed by the mountain ranges and there are a lot of little lakes and rivers.

Geographical Features

REGIONS and major cities

In New Zealand there are 16 regions and the most important one has the name of the capital city, Wellington. Other big cities are Auckland, Christchurch

The population of New Zealand is of 5.25 milion peoples


It was at first discovered by Dutch setlers but it became a British colony after the arrive of James Cook.


The culture is splited between the British descentants and Mahory people which are still significant on the culture of the isles



The Lord of the Rings was recorder in Kaitoke Regional Park, in the south of the North Island in New Zealand
In New Zealand was recorded the film The Lord of the Rings
Bruce Leslie McLaren was a New Zealand racing car driver and engineer.


The awards of Bruce Mclaren

McLaren also won the 1962 Monaco Grand Prix and the following year founded the Bruce McLaren Motor Racing Ltd, but continued to race and win with Cooper. Bruce is still among the 10 youngest drivers in history to win a Formula 1 Grand Prix

The death of Bruce Mclaren

McLaren died in a canam car of his own: he was testing the new McLaren M8D at the Goodwood circuit when it went off the road and crashed into an abandoned commissioners turret. Bruce McLaren is buried in Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland
The kiwi bird is the symbol of New Zealand
In New Zealand there is a black sheep that gives more wool

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