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Match the words with their correct definitions

1. Newcomer

2. Refugee

Click the pen to draw a line from one circle to another

3. Immigrant, Undocumented

A. Someone who has recently arrived in the United States from another country, typically within the past two years.

4. Immigrant, Documented

The answers will appear to the left in 30 seconds

5. Migrant

B. A person who comes to a country to establish permanent residence who does not have “papers,” or a green card.

C. A person who moves regularly to find work, especially in farming or harvesting crops.

D. A person who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin for fear of persecution in race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion

E: A person who comes to a country to establish permanent residence, and who has secured a green card, or Permanent Residence Card.

  • 1- A
  • 2- D
  • 3- B
  • 4- E
  • 5- C

Match the words with their correct definitions

1. Asylum Seeker

2. Unaccompanied youth or minor

Click the pen to draw a line from one circle to another

3. International Adoptee

A. One who speaks languages other than English at home.

The answers will appear to the left in 30 seconds

5. Heritage Language Speaker

B. Someone who has gaps in their education due to migration, time in refugee camps, or journeys to come to the United States.

D. Children who have been adopted from their country of origin to live in the United States.

E. A person already living in the United States or who is seeking admission at a port of entry, who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin for fear of persecution in race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.

F: Children under the age of 18 who come to the United States without family or guardians.

  • 1- E
  • 2- F
  • 3- D

4. Limited and/or Interrupted Formal Education

6. Long Term English Speaker

  • 4- B
  • 5- A
  • 6- C

C. A person enrolled in U.S. schools for more than 6 years, who is not progressing toward English proficiency, and who is struggling academically because of the lack of English language skills.