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Ultimate Presentation

Frisbee is awesome



Presentation of the APSA

My class

Curriculum references

My lesson


Ultimate can be played outdoors or indoors.It's a sport played 7 against 7.


1.Ultimate is a team sport

2.Ultimate is a mixed sport

3.Self-judging/ Self-refering.

4.Ultimate is played with a frisbee

14 boys and 10 girls


We are in Middle School

I have 24 students

The class has already played ultimate

My class is very dynamic and invested in PE lesson. Despite this, majority of the boys are more interested in competing and being with their friends than learning. Otherwise, girls are involved in their motor development.

My class


Ultimate in the Curriculum

The national curriculum shows different state of progression in PE. With my class, I would like my students to acheive the KS2 stages.

Through ultimate we can find items from this curriculum like Movement, Using skills, cooperation, competition tactics.

As we can see in the curriculum, PE encourage pupils to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills. Ultimate helps about that.


1. Making your pivot foot an asset in matches. 2. Organising themselves as a team to move towards the goal area.

Goals of the lesson :

Global warm-up with run, knee raises, heel and toe then a specific one with one frisbee for two pupils.



My lesson

- A pitch- 25 Cones- 12 red chasubles- 12 blue chasubles- Stopwatch



Criteria for receiving the pass : Like the alligators do when biting, for receiving we need to have one hand above and one hand below the frisbee and pinch.

Achievement targets/criteria for the pass :- Body orientation towards the receiver. - The arm must be wrapped around the frisbee then unwind until it’s fully extended.

Crossing 4 by 4Pivot de 180°


Crossing 2 by 2Pivot de 180°


Last situation of the lesson

Instructions : To win, each team has to progress through the pitch and drop off the frisbee in the goal area. They have to do it without droping the frisbee during the progression. So what it goes to the other team.




Being able to self-judging

The students will learn to accept to be judge by themselves.


Knowing ultimate's rules

Knowing the rules to be able to do tactics.


Using skills and techniques

Developing agility and coordination with and without the frisbee

Thanks you

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Others intructions

Ultimate is a sport with no contact so if a fault appen, frisbee switch of team's possession.The player with the frisbee in theirs hands can't progress with it. Only the pivot is accepted to change orientation.

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