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The Oasis

The Oasis is all about the animals. The goal is for the environment to be as natural as possible for the animals and show how they would act in their habitat.

The Story of the Tree of Life

"Once upon a time, no vegetation would grow on Discovery Island. There were no trees, no shrubs, no flowers, nothing. It was a barren piece of land. Then, one day, a tiny ant planted a seed and made a wish. He asked for a tree to grow — a tree large enough to provide shelter for all the animals."Magically, the ant's wish came true and a tree began to grow — and it kept growing until there was room beneath its limbs for all the animals from A (ants) to Z (zebras). And as the tree continued to reach for the heavens, the images of all the animals that took shelter beneath its shade appeared on its trunk, roots, and branches."



Apes do not have tails, while most monkeys have tails

Crested Wood Partridge

The Story of the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Maharajah Jungle Trek is a trail through the Royal Anandapur Forest. Since ancient times, the rajahs of Anandapur hunted tigers in the forest. In 1544, King Bhima Disampati decreed the forest as a royal preserve only open to the royal family and their invited guests and built a Royal Hunting Lodge in the forest. Enclosing portions of the forest in walls, he would use these spaces to lure and trap the tigers, which proved to be his downfall when he was killed during a tiger hunt. Afterwards, his successors would focus more on protecting wildlife and living in balance with nature, before the palace was eventually abandoned. In 1948, after the end of British colonial rule, the Royal Forest was given to the people of Anandapur, who turned the ruins of the old complex into a nature preserve to protect the remaining tigers and wildlife as well as a key watershed for the Chakranadi River.

It's believed that the mantras written on the flags will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion into all pervading space.

The helicoradian is a type of "sensitive zooplantae" that responds to touch by coiling up

The sign represents the date Animal Kingdom opened 4/98

Lorem ipsum dolor

At the base of the Himalayas in Nepal lies the small village of Serka Zong. Unlike the wetlands of Anandapur, which is home to Kali River Rapids, Serka Zong is surrounded by majestic, snow-capped mountains that seem to stretch higher and farther than the eye can see. To many tourists, this setting inspires a sense of adventure and discovery. The locals, however, have a very different set of beliefs. They believe the Himalayas should not be exploited but rather respected. In fact, the locals believe that a protective spirit guards the Himalayas from harm and invasion. While at first this belief might seem supernatural, the town is full of artwork and even shrines depicting what seems to be a real creature. Whether the Yeti is real or not is up for debate, but many explorers have ventured into the Himalayas on a quest to prove that the Yeti is real, and many have returned with spooky evidence: larger-than-life animal prints, twisted steel, and even a blurry photo of a giant primate. This proof only amplifies the warnings from the local villagers who urge explorers not to tempt the guardian of the mountains.

Dinoland Backstory

According to the lore created by Imagineers, DinoLand USA actually started out as a small town in Diggs County. One day in 1947, paleontologists uncovered dinosaur bones near a Sinclair gas station, and everything changed for the sleepy town. Grad students arrived from all over the country to launch fossil hunts. You could even be a part of the discoveries at the Boneyard playground, digging and climbing on enormous bones. Gradually, these intrepid students founded the Dino Institute, which initially used a fishing lodge (now Restaurantosaurus) but later got its own museum building. In addition, Chester and Hester – the owners of the gas station where the first fossils were discovered – turned their business into the cheesy, roadside Dinosaur Treasures gift shop.Chester and Hester would become more and more prominent as the town expanded its dino tourism.This was just the beginning for DinoLand USA, though. The Dino Institute invited the famed Dr. Helen Marsh to lead the institute, and she quickly set a new path for paleontology: time travel. After buying out the Chrono Teck Inc. company, she established a new facility that doubled as a museum and as a lab researching time travel. Her plan was to launch time travel tours of the Mesozoic Era – sort of like the initial concept for a peaceful dinosaur safari ride. But chief scientist, Dr. Grant Seeker, had a different idea: enlist guests in a mission to save a dinosaur just before their extinction via meteor. This formed the premise for DinoLand USA’s single ride on opening day: Countdown to Extinction.Restaurantosaurus is split up into several different sections tied to DinoLand’s paleontology backstory. Part of the former fishing lodge is a visitor center of sorts. The mini museum hosts various bones and other fossils that students dug up at the Boneyard. The lodge also has “historical” photos of the digs, as well as portraits of key individuals like dig funder Clarence P. Wilkerson. Then there’s the “Hip Joint” recreation room, with various trophies showcasing the grad students’ extracurricular escapades. For instance, there are painted rocks that interns brought from their hometowns. In addition, there are awards such as the Golden Trowel Trophy, which is given to whoever made the most finds that year. The grad students even used the restaurant as a makeshift dormitory.