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Dongzhi Festival- 冬至

where ,when and why?

  • Dongzhi (冬至) l means 'Winter's Arrival'. It is one of the 24 solar terms of China's traditional solar calendar. It has been long celebrated on (China's) Winter Solstice when the night is longest, and the day is shortest in the Northern Hemisphere. Dongzhi became an imperially recognized traditional festival during the Han Dynasty era.

  • The date of Dongzhi varies slightly. It always falls on December 21, 22, or 23. Dongzhi in 2024: December 21st;

Dongzhi Festival- 冬至

what happens?

Chinese people celebrate Dongzhi Festival in many ways. The most popular ones are worshipping heaven and ancestors, saying the Nines of Winter, making rice wine, and eating dumplings and ginger rice.

Dongzhi Festival Greetings

Worshipping Heavenand ancestors

Ginger rice

Eating dumplings

Making Rice Wine

Counting the Nines of Winter






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Târgul de fete de pe Muntele Găina

where ,when and why?

  • Avramlancu village on the Apuseni Mountain in Romania.
  • This festival is always celebrated on the 20th July.

  • According to a legend, on a mountain top there was a hen that laid golden eggs. The people inhabiting there, even today known as moţi, felt immediately taken with it and started celebrating her presence with songs and gifts. Throughout the year, she would live alone, unseen, on the top of the mountain; but once a year, in the special day of Saint Ilie, when the locals from the mountain villages held an event for the young to hang out and get to know one another, the hen would leave her nest and descend for the party. There, in front of the crowd, she would bat her wings once and transform into an amazing fairy, then head to each newly-formed couple and hand them a beautiful golden egg. Out of love for her, the locals named the mountain Muntele Găina, where găina means hen.

Târgul de fete de pe Muntele Găina

What happens?

  • A traditional matchmaking way for young maidens looking for husbands. They would come with their parents and they would display their dower in hand-painted wooden hope chests. The fair also includes a sale of traditional products, like agricultural tools, as well as a banquet with Romanian folk music. The maiden Fair was registered by the Alba county as a trade mark. In 2010, the fair took place in Avram Iancu locality, where it gathered 5,000 participants. In the recent years, the fair was modernized.






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  • In northern China where it can get bitterly cold, the people lacked sufficient warm clothing and adequate heating, so they ate hot food and drank hot liquids to stay warm. People believed that when the days were short, there was insufficient Yang energy, and they tried to eat high Yang foods according to Chinese medicinal cuisine principals.

1. "冬至快乐,祝你身体健康!" (Dongzhi kuaile, zhu ni shenti jiankang) — "Happy Dongzhi! Wishing you good health!" 2. "冬至快乐,冬天注意保暖!" (Dōngzhì kuàilè, dōngtiān zhùyì bǎonuǎn!) "Happy Winter Solstice, and keep warm in winter."

  • Chinese people have worshipped heaven on Dongzhi Day since the Han Dynasty.
  • Many temples were built for this reason, including the famous Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
  • It was believed that heaven worship would bring a great harvest and good health for the coming year.
  • Worshipping the ancestors is also a part of the Dongzhi Festival. People set up incense burners in front of their ancestors' tablets and place some food on a table in front of it, as a symbolic offering to their family ancestors.
  • People take food and incense to their ancestors' tombs, sweep the tombs, and pay respects to their ancestors during the winter solstice festival.

  • In many areas of northern China, people count the Nines of Winter during the coldest part of winter. The Nines of Winter is a folk song. In Chinese traditional culture, nine is the 'extreme number', representing eternity. Chinese people believed that spring will come after nine periods of nine days starting from the Winter Solstice.

  • It is the tradition to drink rice wine on the night of Dongzhi in southern China. The rice wine is made with glutinous rice or yellow rice as well as sweet-scented osmanthus. Drinking liquor brings a feeling of warmth to the cold Dongzhi festival.