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Organ Systems

5th Grade Science:

Lily Martin


  • Today we will be learning about the human organ systems.
  • After today's lesson you will be able to identify what in the body belongs to what system and the role of each system.
  • There are 7 button interactions- click on them and follow the directions.
  • As you navigate the Genially fill out your graphic organizer for each body system.



The human body is made up of multiple interacting systems. Including the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the muscular system, and the digestive system.

While watching the video, be sure to include in your notes what is specifically moved throughout the circulatory system.

Respiratory system: The main part of the respiratory system is the lungs. It is the lungs’ job to bring air into and out of the body. Oxygen from the air you inhale moves through small blood vessels and enters the bloodstream. It then hitches a ride on red blood cells and travels to all parts of the body.

Digestive System: Digestion begins when we break food down into little pieces in our mouth with the help of teeth, the tongue and saliva. After that, food travels down the esophagus and into the stomach, where it’s further broken down by stomach acids. From the stomach, it heads to the small intestine. Here, your body removes nutrients it needs from food, and sends the nutrients to parts of the body through the circulatory system. Finally, the digested food is sent to the large intestine, out of your body… and beyond!

Muscular System:You have over 600 muscles in your body. Muscles are attached to bones and are controlled by nerves that communicate with the brain. Movement takes place when a muscle gets shorter (contracts).