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Definition Analysis

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emphasized the structure of language

integrates listening, speaking, reading, spelling, and writing

that provides a strong core of foundational skills in the language systems of English,

systematic, explicit instruction

Let's Break it Down...

Structured Literacy Defined by the PDE

22 Pa.Code 49.1 defines "structured literacy" as systematic, explicit instruction that provides a strong core of foundational skills in the language systems of English, integrates listening, speaking, reading, spelling, and writing and emphasized the structure of language across the speech sound system (phonology), the writing system (orthography), the structure of sentences (syntax), the meaningful parts of words (morphology), the relationships among words (semantics) and the organization of spoken and written discourse.

Explicit teaching occurs when key skills are directly taught, modeled and clearly explained. It follows an I Do- We Do- You Do model that must include explicit teacher modeling, guided practice with teacher feedback and ends with student independent practice.

Systematic, Explicit Instruction

Systematic teaching is instruction that follows a planned and logical sequence. Learning skills move from simple to complex.

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Very Similar to the "Big 5" of Reading

Phonics and Word RecognitionFluency

Foundational Skills in the Language Systems of English

Concepts of PrintPhonological Awareness

Integrates Listening, Speaking, Reading, Spelling and Writing

Relationships Among Words (SEMANTICS) Meaning of words at the sentence and conversational level. Semantic maps are used to visually show the meaning and relationships among words.Rules that are Needed in Spoken and Written Discourse (PRAGMATICS) Deals with what a speaker/writer is saying or implying and the listener/reader is hearing or inferring.

Emphasizes the Structure of Language Across...

Speech to Sound System (PHONOLOGY). It is made up of Phonological Awareness (umbrella term for being aware of the different levels of the spoken language) and Phonemic Awareness or the awareness and eventual manipulation of individual sounds. Phonemes are the smallest unit of language or individual SOUNDS and graphemes are the letter(s) that correspond to the phoneme.Manipulating the Meaningful Parts of Words (MORPHOLOGY) Made up of MORPHEMES or the smallest unit of a word with meaning (base words, prefix, suffix)Writing System- letters and spelling (ORTHOGRAPHY) To read/write words accurately, they must be stored in long-term memory so students can orthographically map them. This means to bond the spelling (orthography), + pronunciation (phonology), + and meaning (semantics) of a word.Structure of Sentences (SYNTAX). The way words are structured in order to create phrases into sentences, following correct grammar to convey meaning.

Letter to an Absent Student

Sedita, J. (2020, April 8). How the brain learns to read. Keys to Literacy. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from https://keystoliteracy.com/blog/how-the-brain-learns-to-read/Creating interactive content is easy. Genially. (n.d.). https://genial.ly/ Department of Education, & PDE, Structured Literacy (SL) Program Framework Guidelines (2022). Retrieved May 2, 2023, from https://www.stateboard.education.pa.gov/Documents/Structured%20Literacy%20Competencies%20Program%20Framework%20Guidelines.pdf. Department of Education, & PDE, Introduction to Structured Literacy (2022). Pennsylvania Department of Educations. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from https://lms.pdesas.org/content/courses/FFT/04/courses/PD9114/media/ebook/ebook.pdf.
