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identify the patient with placenta previa

It's the start of your shift and you have four new patients. You need to identify which one has placenta previa based on their presenting symptoms. You will enter the last name of the patient with placenta previa on the last slide to solve!Find the clue slides between the questions!



Anne Jones has chronic hypertension.


Clue 1

Clue 2

Clue 3

Clue 4

Clue 5

next clu

Ms. Jones is 44 years old and has had 2 prior pregnancies.

Ms. Jones had a fall today that brought her into the hospital. She stated that she tripped while walking.

After Ms. Jones' fall she began experiencing painful vaginal bleeding, a tender abdomen, and back pain.

Ms. Jones has been a smoker for the past 10 years.

Anne Jones

If you think Anne Jones is the patient with placenta previa, remember "Jones" to enter on the last slide!

Ms. Smith complained that she has been having bouts of nausea and she has been voiding less than normal.

Clue 2

Ms. Smith is 20 years old and pregnant for the first time with twins (gravida 1, para 0).


Clue 1

Clue 3

Clue 4

Clue 5


Ms. Smith has lost more than 5% of her pre-pregnancy weight in the last two weeks.

Ms. Smith stated to the nurse that she has been having severe nausea and has been unable to keep any food or liquids down.

The client's labs show hypernatremia.

Suzy Smith

If you think Suzy Smith is the patient with placenta previa, remember "Smith" to enter on the last slide!

The client's first pregnancy resulted in a cesarean secton, which left scars on her uterus.

Clue 2

Ms. Hall came into the hospital stating that she has been experiencig bright red painless vaginal bleeding

Clue 3

Ms. Hall is 32 weeks pregnant with her second child.


Clue 1

Write a subtitle here

Clue 4

Clue 5

Ms. Hall is having painful, regular contractions.

Jane Hall is 36 years old. She has a history of cigarette use, but has not smoked during her pregnancy.

Jane Hall

If you think Jane Hall is the patient with placenta previa, remember "Hall" to enter on the last slide!

Ms. Scott has a history of high blood pressure that has risen since her last visit.

Clue 2

The client came into the hospital upon advice from her OB-GYN. She is experiencing a headache as well as nausea and vomiting.

Clue 3

Sophie Scott is pregnant with twins and this is her first pregnancy.


Clue 1

The client's labs showed that she has proteinuria and thrombo-cytopenia.

Clue 4

Find the character

Write a subtitle here

Clue 5


After completing an assessment, the nurse identified that Ms. Scott has edema in her face and hands.

Sophie Scott

If you think Sophie Scott is the patient with placenta previa, remember "Scott" to enter on the last slide!

JANE HALL is the patient with placenta previa!


Clue Key


  • Anne Jones: Placental abruption
  • Suzy Smith: Hyperemesis gravidarum
  • Jane Hall: Placenta previa
  • Sophie Scott: Preeclampsia