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Frank Hebron-Harman Elementary School

SWOT Analysis

How can we engage diverse families in and out of school to strengthen a vision and mission committed to student learning?


Identify that which is already having a positive impact on our key question. In other words, what are we doing well?


Identify that which indicates problems linked to our key question. What are we not doing so well?


Based on our strengths and weaknesses, what are the opportunities for growth?


What are tthe barriers that prevent or are interfering with efforts to engage our families in their child's learning?

  • Engaging parents, HHES is lacking teamwork in staff. If HHES had more teamwork with connecting parents then HHES would have more involvement.
  • Parenerships, sometimes HHES staff do not understand the involvement of our partners and over work them in areas they are not suppsosed to be doing.
  • HHES staff lacks ownership in taking building and nurturing partnerships with community resources and parents/guardians.
  • Connecting to build more, whether it be ownership of instruction or building relationships.
  • HHES building rapport with the community to build the culture and climate that is desired.
  • Just because a structure has been outlined does not mean the structure is working or producing results as fast as HHES hoped.

What are our problem areas?


  • Constistent communication from student teachers via email, call or text and weekly there is the Hawk Hearld Newletter which contains grade level informaiton and key events happening at school.
  • Volunteering is optional, but as long as they have background checks HHES welcomes any parent to come into the building to help and if they do not have background checks HHES have tasks that they can help with from their homes
  • HHES invites parents/guardians into the decision making process getting a lot of input from a parents who are also staff as well.
  • HHES have a few partnerships in the community such as Concentric and the police department. Concentric aids in attendance making home visits and calls for us and doing small group in the school. While the police department puts on field trips and does activites with the students.
  • Next year HHES will be a community school and will be able to offer our families so much extra assistance then we currently can.

What are our areas of postive impact?


  • Building on our strengths by putting the people where they can shine and show their natural abilities.
  • Anyone can help HHES accomplish closing gaps between strenghts and weakness, they just need people to step up to the plate and be willing!
  • Hiring process, work on hiring people who show the traits and characteristics of leadership and commitment.
  • One big opportunity we can jump on is collaborating more with our family community! Chaning the way we do events and making sure it meets everyones needs and not just some.

Where is our room for growth?


  • Self-efficacy, understanding that we ourselves can make an impact to anyone or to our setting we are surrounding ourselves with.
  • Something HHES could improve is their teamwork and connection, which would help improve their parent/family involvement.
  • Team willingness to support past, present, and new outcomes.
  • To stop distractions and procrastination we need to schedule, plan ahead, and give time lines for completion.

What are our barriers?
