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Discovery call playbook


Parting Words

The BANT Framework

How do I get my prospect to speak first?

Qualification Questions



Discovery calls are the first qualified step in the sales process. It's when the buyer first meets the product/service vendor.The information we capture here will be pivotal for the deal going forward.The 2 rules of thumb of an effective discovery call is;

  • Always aiming for the prospect to speak first
  • 70:30, prospect speaking 70%, the salesperson pitching 30%
Let's dive into the fundametals.

Discovery Calls are the bedrock of a sales process. We need to do them right.


How do I get my prospect to speak first?

Tip 1: Send over a meeting agenda pre-callSending over a short agenda before the call gives you the ammunition to tell the buyer how the call is going to run. To make the best use of time for both parties.Tip 2: Ask questions upon meeting setup. Before the call ask a number of qualification questions around their organisational problems. Start the call with a "you told us this" to shape the call.

Usually in the sales process, buyers are inpatient. They will ask to learn more about your service, view the price or quickly gather what you are offering. We don't want this. Why?As a salesperson, you want to paint a utopia like experience of your product to the buyer. You want to understand their problems/pain points first so you can pitch them a world without that specific hurdle so they can achieve the goal they are out to acheive.If we simply pitch the product/service then we don't get a chance to position this around the prospect's usage case. We risk falling into the void of sales pitches they will consume each week.However, there are ways we can gain the upper hand and get their problem first.


Qualification Questions

Tip 1: Use a logic-based questionaire formTools like Typeform and Jotform are great for this,Tip 2: Add automated scheduling into your formAt the end of the form, offer a scheduler so someone can book straight into your calendar allowing you to engage with the lead as quick as possible.Tip 3: Integrate this into CRMConnect your form to CRM, so when a call is booked this populates in your CRM as a deal with other information elements from the form.

Qualification questions are used to predict the strength of a lead and the suitability for business between both parties.Here are some questions you should ask:The Budget Predictor. It's not received well to straight ask "how much money do you have to spend" but we can predict this through different organisational elements.I.e; How many employees do you have? How many clients are you managing? How many x of y do you z per year?From this we can qualify/disqualify budget through this metric. If the metric is high, we will want to devote personalisation to the sales process, is the metric is low then we will give them a more generic pitch. It's idealistic to believe that you can personalise each pitch fully, proritise the biggest deals in your pipeline.






How much budget does the prospect have to spend?

Who is the authority figure in this sale? Who makes the ultimate decision?

Use the BANT Framework

BANT is a sales qualification methodology that helps salespeople determine whether a prospect is a good fit based on their budget, internal influence/ability to buy, need for the product, and purchase timeline.Budget, Authority, Need & Timeline

Does the prospect have a true need for my product? Is this a universal need on the team?

How much time will the prospect need to make a purchasing decision?

+101 Sales Qualification Questions


Parting Words

Use Discovery Calls to dictate how you approach the deal as a whole.If you can find the prospect's biggest problem early on then leverage your whole sales process around that specific problem.Buyers pay money for product/services which is most likely to solve their problem/need in the most user-friendly and cost-effective way. It's all about ROI.


Download 101 Sales Qualification Questions
Parting Words
The BANT Framework
Qualification Questions
How do I get my prospect to speak first?


Download 101 Sales Qualification Questions
Parting Words
The BANT Framework
Qualification Questions
How do I get my prospect to speak first?


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Download 101 Sales Qualification Questions
Parting Words
The BANT Framework
Qualification Questions
How do I get my prospect to speak first?


Download 101 Sales Qualification Questions
Parting Words
The BANT Framework
Qualification Questions
How do I get my prospect to speak first?


Download 101 Sales Qualification Questions
Parting Words
The BANT Framework
Qualification Questions
How do I get my prospect to speak first?
