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The increased use of AI and robotics in manufacturing has already brought about change in employment. With reference to two contrasting industries, outline and evaluate the impact on youth employment.

By Eva ElraudhaSFB_AES_A 2853804

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Introduction and Background

Policy Repercussions

Levels of Automation in Different Industries

Employment Security, Income, and Skill Development

Impact on the Community and Youth Workers


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The increasing use of AI and robotics in manufacturing significantly impacts youth employment, influencing job availability, skill requirements, wages, employment security, and the overall economic and societal environment (Freddi, 2017)




Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics refer to technologies that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

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The integration of AI and robotics in manufacturing is rapidly altering the job market for young individuals From the automotive to the textile industry, these changes are reshaping employment opportunities and skill demands

Neagu & Vieriu, 2019

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Less automated compared to automotive, but now adopting automation for processes like cutting and stitching. (Xian, 2022).

Textile Industry

Levels of Automation in Different Industries

Automotive Industry

Highly automated with extensive use of robotics and AI.Tasks like welding, painting, and assembly are handled by robots.


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UPSKILLING and reskilling

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Employment Security, Income, and Skill Development



Greater emphasis on soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and creativity - enhance customer experience


Growing demand for employees with advanced cognitive abilities, such as creative problem-solving skills and the capacity to collaborate with AI


Young workers are affected by job insecurity and wage inequalities brought on by automation

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(Xue et al., 2022)

(Xue et al., 2022)

adaptation and resilience

Impact on the Community and Youth Workers

future employment

job happiness

quality of life


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(Xue et al., 2022)


Responsible AI Adoption

Policy Repercussions

retraining programs

Worker Protections


Equitable Distribution of Benefits

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future recommendations

summary of main points:


restatement of my stance

Influences - job availability- skill requirements- wages- employment security- socio-economic environment

  • Diminishing correlation between education and job opportunities
  • Traditional qualifications may not guarantee employment
  • Urgency to address challenges through proactive measures like upskilling and reskilling programs

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REFERENCESFreddi, D. (2017) ‘Digitalisation and employment in manufacturing’, AI & SOCIETY, 33(3), pp. 393–403. doi:10.1007/s00146-017-0740-5Xian, F. (2022) ‘Quantifying the impact of artificial intelligence technology on China’s manufacturing employment’, International Conference on Computer, Artificial Intelligence, and Control Engineering (CAICE 2022), 12288. doi:10.1117/12.2640987. Xue, M. et al. (2022) ‘Is college education less necessary with ai? evidence from firm-level labor structure changes’, Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(3), pp. 865–905. doi:10.1080/07421222.2022.2096542.Neagu, S. nicoleta and Vieriu, A. (2019) ‘The impact of technological progress on young people’, eLearning and Software for Education [Preprint]. doi:10.12753/2066-026x-19-119. Acemoglu, Daron, and Pascual Restrepo (2019)"Automation and New Tasks: How Technology Displaces and Reinstates Labor." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33 (2): 3-30. Beaudry, P., Green, D.A. and Sand, B.M. (2016). The Great Reversal in the Demand for Skill and Cognitive Tasks. Journal of Labor Economics, 34(S1), pp.S199–S247. doi:https://doi.org/10.1086/682347.



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Reduced job security negatively impacts financial stability, mental health, and social relationships.

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vocational training, digital literacy courses, and certifications in emerging fields such as data analytics, cybersecurity, and AI

higer levels of technical expertise from young employees.

high level of automation has led to incrased efficiency



  • high level of automation led to increased efficiency
  • BUT reduced the number of low-skilled jobs traditionally available to young workers
  • recent advancements in robotics and AI create new opportunities for skilled workers
  • BUT higher levels of technical expertise are required from young employees.

need to adapt to the changing job market by acquiring skills that are in demand

"As industries embrace automation, there is a discernible shift in organisational structures, emphasising service-oriented value creation over traditional product-centric models."(Freddi,2017)

A reduction in the relationship between jobs and college education means traditional qualifications may not guarantee employment(Xue et al., 2022)

severance pay, retraining assistance, and job placement services

Incentives for businesses to invest in industries such as renewable energy, healthcare, and education

decline in demand for low-skilled labor --> declining wages for younger workerswidening gap in wages exacerbates income inequalities among young workers, particularly those with limited access to education and training opportunities.Beaudry, Green, and Sand (2016)

widening gap in wages exacerbates income inequalities among young workers, particularly those with limited access to education and training opportunities.

widening gap in wages exacerbates income inequalities among young workers, particularly those with limited access to education and training opportunities.

widening gap in wages exacerbates income inequalities among young workers, particularly those with limited access to education and training opportunities.

Uncertainty about the stability of employment due to AI --> stress and dissatisfaction among young workers.

noticeable shift in organisational structures towards service-oriented value creation.Industries like electronics manufacturing are transitioning from traditional product-centric models to service-oriented approaches.

AI technology has a very positive impact on Chinese manufacturing employment leading to a creativity edge." (Xian, 2022)

Entry-level positions traditionally held by young workers are being automated ---> heightened job insecurity in industries such as manufacturing and retail.Acemoglu and Restrepo (2019)

Tax policies, wealth redistribution mechanisms, and social welfare programs to address income inequality exacerbated by automation

Tax credits, grants, and subsidies for employee training, upskilling, and reskilling programs.

promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical use of AI help mitigate risks such as bias, discrimination, and job displacement