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Healios staff guide on PSIRF

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework - a Guide for staff

1.Aims of PSIRF

The new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) is being rolled out over the coming months. PSIRF sets out the new direction on how the NHS responds to safety incidents, focusing on effective learning and improvement, compassionate engagement and embedding a patient safety culture. PSIRF must also be adopted by all healthcare organisations who are contracted to deliver NHS funded care.

2.How is PSIRF different?

3.What does it mean for me?

4.What Do I Need to Do?

5.What is Healios doing to prepare for PSIRF?

6.Just and learning Culture behaviours

  • Engagement and involvement of those affected by PSI's
  • Considered and proportionate responses to PSI's
  • Supportive oversight to strengthen response system functioning
  • A range of systems based approaches are aligned to learn from PSI's

Aims of PSIRF

2.How is PSIRF different?

3.What does it mean for me?

4.What Do I Need to Do?

5.What is Healios doing to prepare for PSIRF?

6.Just and learning Culture behaviours

3.What does it mean for me?

4.What Do I Need to Do?

5.What is Healios doing to prepare for PSIRF?

6.Just and learning Culture behaviours

Investigator expertise, experience, time and authority

Investigation approach


How is PSIRF different?

4.What Do I Need to Do?

5.What is Healios doing to prepare for PSIRF?

6.Just and learning Culture behaviours

What does it mean for me?

Greater focus on understanding the impact of systems and human factors in patient safety incidents

Understanding the ‘what’ and not the ‘who’ in investigations to support and just and learning culture

Not all serious events will lead to a Patient Safety Incident Investigation (PSII)- we can use other tools such as After Action Reviews, clinical audit or Serious Incident, Serious Complaint or Mortality review meetings

Greater support or involvement in those involved in patient safety incidents

4.What Do I Need to Do?

5.What is Healios doing to prepare for PSIRF?

6.Just and learning Culture behaviours

What Do I Need to Do?

We ask our staff to understand and sign up to the ‘Healios Pledge’ - behaviours that support a just and learning culture

Those involved in patient safety investigations will be supported by the Clinical Governance Team

Engage with the Clinical Governance Team - your questions around PSIRF and your feedback will create a collaborative environment where we can shape patient safety at Healios together

A Series of PSIRF bitesize education modules will be developed for staff to attend

Investigator expertise, experience, time and authority

Must be led by those trained in Patient Safety Incident Investigation with authority to act autonomously with dedicated time and resource.


Flexible and set in consultation with the patient/and or family.

Investigation approach

Quality is the priority, selection of incidents based on the potential for new learning and complexity of the system