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Talking to God

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Interactive presentation

©2024 Kapow Primary

©2024 Kapow Primary


Reasons to pray


Talking to God

Nathan's dad



How do some people talk to God?





©2024 Kapow Primary



Hi. I’m Nathan. I live with my dad and my sister, Emily. Dad’s great, but he’s always working even when he’s not meant to be. I wish he had more time to spend with us and I worry that he gets so tired and stressed. He’s always nagging me to tidy my bedroom but it’s sooo boring. Emily and I get on most of the time but she can be really annoying and she always takes my tablet. Sometimes I hide it from her even when I’m doing something else, just so she can’t play on it. I nearly forgot Oreo! I’d wanted a puppy for ages and we finally got one for Christmas! She’s adorable.

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Hello. I’m Nathan and Emily’s dad. They’re fantastic kids, but they argue a lot, which makes me sad. I’m really lucky, I have a great job as a teacher at the local school. Nathan and Emily sometimes get cross with me, because I often have to work in the evenings, when they want to play games with me. Nathan can be a bit lazy and his room is always a mess. I sometimes shout at him to tidy it and then feel bad - I know my room was very messy when I was his age! We all love the new puppy, Oreo, and I really enjoy taking her for walks in the park. It’s a good time to slow down and be together as a family.

©2024 Kapow Primary



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Nathan's dad

Talking to God

©2024 Kapow Primary


What doyou think Nathan might say if he talked to God?


What do you thinkNathan's dad might say if he talked to God?

Reasons to pray

©2024 Kapow Primary



Saying thank you

Saying sorry

Asking for help for yourself

Asking for help for someone else


©2024 Kapow Primary

Click on the picture of Nathan to hear him talking.


Hi. I’m Nathan. I live with my dad and my sister, Emily. Dad’s great, but he’s always working even when he’s not meant to be. I wish he had more time to spend with us and I worry that he gets so tired and stressed. He’s always nagging me to tidy my bedroom but it’s sooo boring. Emily and I get on most of the time but she can be really annoying and she always takes my tablet. Sometimes I hide it from her even when I’m doing something else, just so she can’t play on it. I nearly forgot Oreo! I’d wanted a puppy for ages and we finally got one for Christmas! She’s adorable.


Click to listen

©2024 Kapow Primary



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Esta es mi prima Amelia. Es una persona aventurera. Lleva un jersey verde, una chaqueta negra, unos pantalones azules, un gorro amarillo, unos calcetines blancos y unas botas marrones.

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