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alejandro sanz

3 Most famous singer4 . Tour 5 . Awards

2. Type of music

1. Short biografy


Alejandro Sanz , born 18 december 1968 in Madrid , is a renowned spanish singer and songwriter . His career began in the late 1980 , but he achieved international fame in the 1990 with albums such as ¨ Mas ¨and songs like ¨Corazón partio ¨

Short biography

His musical style fuses popo , flamenco and other genres , which has earned him recognition as one of the most influential artists in Spanish - language music .


+ info

  • Corazón partio
  • Amiga mia
  • Cuando nadie me ve
  • Desde cuando
  • Y , ¿ Si fuera ella ?


Alejandro Sanz has given concerts in numerous cities around the world throughout his career. Some of the most important cities where he has performed are: Madrid, Barcelona, Miami, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, New York, Los Angeles, Madrid, London, and many more. His international fame has led him to tour multiple countries, reaching audiences in Latin America, Europe, the United States...


These have been some of the most important awards Alejandro Sanz has won :1. Grammy and Latin Grammy Awards 2. Billboard Latin music awards 3. MTV Awards 4. Premios Ondas


Celia Jurado González

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