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Samuel Onrubia Barrera 2ºBatx H

Speaking monologue:Job satisfaction VS Good salary

5- Conclusion

4- Good salary: cons

3- Good salary: pros

2- Job satisfaction: cons

1- Job satisfaction: pros


-Better Work Environment

-Personal and Professional Development

-Increased Motivation and Productivity

-Greater Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

1- Job satisfaction: pros

-Less Prestige or Social Recognition

-Financial Uncertainty

-Limited Financial Compensation

2- Job satisfaction: cons

-Recognition and Prestige

-Greater Purchasing Power

-Financial Stability

3- Good salary: pros

-Less Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

-Increased Stress and Burnout

-Possible Lack of Job Satisfaction

4- Good salary: cons

-I would pesonally choose a good salary, I don't care about the stress that would involve a high paying job, and I don't care about not being satisfied working as long as I'm earning a lot of money.

5- Conclusion

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