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Rosa Parks

"You don't have to be afraid of what you do if you know it's the right class"

Celeste Confalonieri 3 A

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks life

Rosa Parks was born and grew up in Alabama, a country in the South of the USA, symbol of racism and segregations of black people.

Rosa Parks life

This segregation consisted of separation between black and white people in all aspects of the life: school,churches, public transports, etc…Black people were not allowed to do the same things of white people, especially in the same places.

Rosa Parks life

After she got married, she joined her husband in the fight against the racial segregation.They were activists and brave.

Rosa Parks life

One day she was on a public bus and sat on a seat reserved to white people.When the bus driver said her to stand up, she refused and she said: “I felt I had a right to stay where I was”.

Rosa Parks life

She was arrested and condemned. Martin Luther King JR heard about her story and organised a strike that lasted more than one year, boycotting the use of public transport, until the US Supreme Court said that segregation on buses was illegal.

Rosa Parks life

Rosa Parks was now free, but she had to move to Detroit, in the North of USA, because of death threats.Finally things changed during the years and in 1996 she received an award by President Bill Clinton.

Rosa Parks life

She died on 2005 at the age of 92, after she became a symbol of courage and bravery.

Final comment

I chose Rosa Parks thanks to her courage and determination. She fought for her rights and for the rights of all black people, knowing she risked severe treatment, jail and death. She had no fear to go against the Law, to fight the wrong laws, because she believed in equal rights and most of all she believed that people are all the same and have the right to have the same life.