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Angel Cordoba 4C¡I hope you like it!

thaks to my family

I am 15 years old and I come from a very large family and I don't know the exact number of people, but just by telling you that my grandfather had 12 siblings you know why it is large. I study at IES Maimonides, which is in the centre, next to the town hall. I have been in this institute the whole ESO. I spent my primary school years at CEIP San Lorenzo. I live in Miralbaida, a neighbourhood in the north west of Cordoba. It's quite far from the centre, but it's well connected to the other neighbourhoods. Also, using public transport you can get there in a very short time. .

22 April 2017, this day was special for me because all my family got together, I could see my cousin after a long time and I had a great time, and he had just made his first communion.

26 may 2017, I put this day because it was the first day in port aventura, this was my gift for my communmion, it was an experience that I liked a lot and I had a better time than any other day.

17 June 2023, I put this day because it is a special day for the whole family, it was the 93rd birthday of my great grandmother and we spent a good day with the whole family.

January 1st, 2023, this day was the beginning of the year 2023, this day we all got together again and I had a great time with everyone.

I want to thank my family for all the good times together, for the times they have supported me and helped me and because they are happy when I achieve something.thank you very much family

thank you for listening to me!