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Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks

My personal thought

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Who was she?

"The mother of Civil Rights"

"The mother of Civil Rights"

Rosa Parks was an activist born on the 4th of February 1913. She is known as the mother of the Civil rights movement, because she stood up for the black community in 1955, when there was still segregation. In fact, she is famous for not giving up a seat to a white person on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, on the 1st of December, 1955. This brave decision took her to jail and caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Who was Rosa Parks?

Back in 1955, when there was still segregation, on buses black people used to sit in the back, meanwhile white people at the front. The central part of the bus was mixed. One day, Rosa, while being on the bus 2857 of Montgomery, said it was enough and refused to give up the sit she was sitting on to a white person. The bus driver called the police and she was arrested for this. Martin Luther King Jr. heard about this and organised a boycott where people didn’t use buses for over a year, until the Supreme Court announced that the bus segregation was illegal.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

I chose to write about Rosa Parks because she was a really brave woman who stood up for the black community and the Civil Rights Movement. I think that, at that time, there weren’t many women like her, because a lot of them were scared to speak and say their opinion, and Rosa was tired and she wasn’t scared to talk, so that is why I believe that Rosa was a really courageous woman.

My personal thought