Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Work done by Gonçalo Romano Ribeiro nº14

the paris agreement


Let 's review!

Portugal on its way to success

The weapon to win the carbon war

A goal against climate change

The Paris Agreement, what is it?


The Paris Agreement, what is it?

A goal against climate change




The weapon to win the carbon war

The weapon to win the carbon war

Portugal on its way to success

Alqueva, Beja

Let 's review!

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Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.