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Mateo Garzás Martín


The basic components of the human body

The 3 vital functions

The three vital functions

The basic components of the human body

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Mateo Garzás Martín


  • Digestive system
  • Respiratory system
  • Circulatory system
  • Excretory system

The three vital functions


The nutriction is the process that we need to use to livebecause by this process we take the nutrients that our body needs and the oxigen that is in the air.This process help us to interact and reproduce.SOME SYSTEMS THAT INFLUENCE IN THE NUTRICTION:

The three vital function


It is when a sperm and an egg come together, creating new cells and new life.To carry out this process, you will need a male and a female reproductive systems.

The basic components of the human body


This component is formes from 2 or more tipes of tissue

The basic components of the human body

Organ system

This is a component that is made from organs that work together to carry out a function

The basic components of the human body


This in the human body organs systems work together to keep us alive.

  • The five sentences(Sight,Hearing,Smell,Taste and Touch)
  • The nervous system
  • The locomotor system

The three vital functions


This process alow persons to send and recive information and react to changesTHIS SYSTEMS ARE INVOLVED IN INTERACTION:

The basic components of the human body


Is the basic unit of live of all the living things, that have different functions.

The basic componentsnof the human body


Is made up of cells but this component all the tissues made the same function.