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Inferred Ideas and Connevtors. Course on Reading Strategies for Law Students. Designed, edited and adapted by Leonor Adelina Gamboa, February 9, 2024.


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Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

click to learn how to identify explicit and implied idea.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

click to learn how to make inferences

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

In previous sessions...

What topics do you remember from the previous sessions?

How are they related one to each other?

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Cohesion &Coherence

Any paragraph must have cohesion and coherence. Click to learn how to do it.

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UNITY: All of the sentences of a particular paragraph must focus on one point to achieve one goal: to support the topic sentence. COHERENCE: The sentences must flow smoothly and logically from one to the next as they support the topic sentence. NOTE: The last sentence of the paragraph should restate the topic sentence to help achieve unity and coherence.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

click to learn how a paragraph is organised

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

click to know how to create cohesion & coherence

Transitions – Words that ConnectTransitions are words, groups of words, or sentences that connect one sentence to another or one paragraph to another.

here are different types of transitions such as the following:

  • Time – before, after, during, in the meantime, nowadays
  • Space – over, around, under
  • Examples – for instance, one example is
  • Comparison – on the other hand, the opposing view
  • Consequence – as a result, subsequently

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

click to learn about the connectors

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

click to learn about the connectors

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Today's session

Activity 2

Exam 2


Inferred Ideas

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Main idea

The main idea is related to the most relevant and important idea of ​​a paragraph and is surrounded by secondary ideas or supporting details. Basically, a main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph or passage because it summarizes the author's main message.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

How can I find the Main idea?

What is said about the topic in this paragraph? Who or what is the paragraph about? What aspect or idea about who or what concerns the author? What is the main point the author is trying to make with these details? Does all or most of the material support this idea?

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Supportive Ideas

The main idea is related to the most relevant and important idea of ​​a paragraph and is surrounded by secondary ideas or supporting details. Basically, a main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph or passage because it summarizes the author's main message.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Supportive Ideas

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

How to identify the implicit ideas?

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Inferred ideas

What does imply mean?

What does infer mean?

What's the difference between them?

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Explicit,Implict & Inferred Ideas

do you remember what an Explicit Idea is?

click to read

Imply is a verb. It means to say something indirectly. When you imply something, you are saying it without actually saying it. Infer is also a verb. It means to reach a conclusion based on evidence. When you infer something, you are like a detective bringing together clues.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Check these examples:

How can you differentiate Implict and Inferred Ideas?

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  • John’s tone implied that he is very short-tempered, but his schoolmates inferred that he is arrogant.
  • Lisa was not in a mood to talk, which implies that she is facing some problem. However, Ron inferred that she is not well.
What we imply depends on the verbal and non-verbal signs. On the other hand, what people infer depend on their level of understanding, perception and standpoint.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo


Why do we use them?

What a connector is?

Do you rememeber them?

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Connectors, connectives, linkers, linking words?

to have cohesion in a text, apart from a proper use of syntactical elements, we must make good use of English connectors.

  • reason, purpose and result

  • contrast

  • addition

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There are many categories, however in real Spoken English only a few are used. We can sum them up in the following categories

give a reason for something.

connect two contrasting ideas and are followed by a clause (pronoun/noun + verb).

We use these linking words to add more information to something we have said.

constipated is not the same as a runny-nose

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Master Class









About the Instructor

Signposting in texts

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Connectors and Conjunctions

la función de las conjunciones y conectores es hacer que los enunciados de un texto fluyan de forma efectiva gracias a las relaciones dentro y entre oraciones o ideas (relationships within and between sentences or ideas).

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Transition Words

click on the link to learn themhttps://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-transitional-words-and-phrases.html

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Text Pattern: Example

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Practice (1)

Reading Comprehension Techniques

  1. click here for a Reading Text to practice Inferring

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Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Practice (2)

Reading Comprehension Techniques

  1. click here for Educaplay
  2. Use the PIN: 503631

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Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Universidad Univer Milenium

What is the difference between the connectors in your native language and in English?

click here to Figma Board and share your ideas

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Next session...

What is "text structure"?

How text structure help us in Reading?

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

Text Organization

How can you differentiate Implict and Inferred Ideas?

click to read

  • John’s tone implied that he is very short-tempered, but his schoolmates inferred that he is arrogant.
  • Lisa was not in a mood to talk, which implies that she is facing some problem. However, Ron inferred that she is not well.
What we imply depends on the verbal and non-verbal signs. On the other hand, what people infer depend on their level of understanding, perception and standpoint.

Reading Comprehension Techniques

What's Text Structure?

Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy helps students understand that a text might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its effects; and/or different views of a topic. Teaching students to recognize common text structures can help students monitor their comprehension.

Master Class









About the Instructor

"if you understand the organization, you can monitor your learning"

Reading Comprehension Techniques

What are the most common structures of texts?

The Main Idea is the most important and relevant idea in a paragraph, it is found among supporting ideas.

Master Class









About the Instructor

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Master Class









About the Instructor

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo


click on the title for the full reference

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Law School Admission Council, Inc. (2024). Reading Comprehension Sample Questions. https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat/test-format/reading-comprehension/reading-comprehension-sample-questions

Verbling. (2024). Master the Inference Questions on the TOEFL iBT Reading. https://www.verbling.com/articles/post/master-the-inference-questions-on-the-toefl-ibt-reading-561d51f4f069d8fe38cebba3

Zebra Education Inc. (2024). TOEFL Reading Question Type - Inference Question. https://www.bestmytest.com/blog/toefl/toefl-reading-question-type-inference-question

Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals. (n.d.) Juror Questionnaire. http://okcca.net/ouji-cr/1-10/

esl-lounge.com. (2024). TOEFL Grammar-Connectors. https://www.esl-lounge.com/student/toefl/toefl-058-grammar-connectors.php

Cambridge Coching. (2024). TOEFL Reading Inferece Questions. https://blog.cambridgecoaching.com/toefl-reading-inference-questions

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/qube/spring License code: W5YWTA92MPRVFQUK

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Reading Comprehension Techniques

Leonor Adelina Gamboa Segundo

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The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) i​s a standardized test administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for prospective law school candidates. It is designed to assess reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning. The test is an integral part of the law school admission process in the United States, Canada (common law programs only), the University of Melbourne, Australia and a growing number of other countries.