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CSSHow to Return/Refund


How to Interact with the slide

Whenever you see a Make sure to click on itThis is an interractive course, clicking on the highlight circles will guide you through your learning!Clicking on will take you to the next pageIn case you are lost, you can click on the on the top left Corner

To arrange a return You would start by going to Customer Delivery

Followed by Pickup Only

This will take take you directly to the same page we would fill when creating the replacementWe will fill in the Return Details

Click Add and then Next>>

Select Pending for the Refund

Fill in the sections as follows

With the details added, what you will have to do now is arrange the collection just like any delivery arrangement on CSSFill in the Returns Details and pick a date that is suitable to our customer

All that is Left is to -Cross Populate (Copy/Paste) My Notes into Both the returns NotePad-Raise a POS Request as we have seen in the previous Course

Now that we have arranged the Return/Refund

Thank you
