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Diana and Leslie


Diana and Leslie


The real story

Clue 3

Clue 2

Clue 1

On the second floor, the victim's room was messy, clothes were found on the bed, makeup on the victim's dresser and the cell phone where it was found that all of her friends knew that she had bought an expensive necklace, including a ex-friend.

Clue 1

In the second floor hallway a knife was found lying on the floor with a mini blood pool.

Clue 2

on the firts floor in the living room there was a broken glass table with blood on it.

Clue 3

What do you think has happened?

The victim was going to a party with an expensive necklace when suddenly he heard strange noises outside his room on the second floor. He encountered a burglar who was stealing his expensive necklace,she confronted him,Who seeing that he was going to lose pulled out a knife to put fear into the victim,the victim wasn't afraid so she continued to defend herself,in an accident the burglar stucked the knife in her arm,the victim seeing her arm,started to get dizzy and fell from the second floor on a glass table.
Thanks for watching!