Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

More creations to inspire you


Responsable pilotage opérationnel service clients

Disponible au



# 1

# 2

# 3

# 4

# 5

Gestion des ressources et planification :

  • Assurer l'adéquation des ressources de production avec les flux d'activité.
  • Organiser la présence des équipes et planifier leurs missions.

Supervision opérationnelle :

  • Piloter les missions des équipes en fonction des flux, incluant les appels entrants et le back office.
  • Maintenir la qualité de service et le confort de travail des collaborateurs.

Gestion matérielle et technique :

  • Assurer l'aménagement du service en termes de besoins matériels et techniques.
  • Mettre en place des actions et des outils de contrôle de l'activité.

Rapports et intégration :

  • Alimenter les rapports d'activité.
  • Participer à l'intégration des nouveaux gestionnaires.

Management d'équipe et accueil :

  • Manager une équipe de 3 à 6 agents administratifs.
  • Assurer le bon fonctionnement de l'accueil AMV dont vous êtes responsable.

Expertise en Service Client

Expérience solide dans le secteur des télécommunications pour améliorer l'expérience client.

Gestion de la Relation Client

Compétences en gestion de la relation client pour garantir la satisfaction des clients d'AMV.

Analyse des Données et Prise de Décision

Compétences analytiques pour analyser les données et prendre des décisions stratégiques.

Innovation et Adaptation au Changement

Capacité à innover et à s'adapter au changement pour répondre aux besoins du marché.

Logiciels embarqués:


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight