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Service Power

Chasing Repair


How to Interact with the slide

Whenever you see a Make sure to click on it before going to another slideThis is an interractive course, clicking on the highlight circles will guide you through your learning!Clicking on will take you to the next pageIn case you are lost, you can click on the on the top left Corner

The Second Part of The Course

We have already Covered the Repair Booking Now let's see what we would do if the customer was to call us to track a repairLet's Begin

You can either search that up using the Call NumberOr any Details the customer has at his dispoal
Now we will go over to the Existing Call TAB

You can sometimes find some very usefull details in the notes section, this could be left by the People working on the Repair

You can see all the details within the Job including the details you entered when booking the repairWe will see how to read the Repair Status in the next slide

All you need to do is click on the Repair Section in Browse Pannel and then SP Status Code

Understanding the Status of a Repair

Make sure to let the customer Know and leave him with an Update, by checking both the Status and Notes left by the Servicers

It should look something Like this

Thank you
