Want to make creations as awesome as this one?







To have a notepad on Genially



or here

or here

Take notes here

all notes are saved on all pages



Bloc Notes combined with Store extension


Notes are saved for the duration of the sesssion

click here

click here

Copy all the notes you have entered to the clipboard

Notes are saved on all pages



click here

click here

Delete all the notes you have entered to the clipboard

Notes are saved on all pages

Keep your notes


The End

This page erases all notes automatically

All elements are AUTOMATICALLY hidden in view mode: no need to make them transparent

Keep this WITHIN each page where you want to see the note

Text area that can be copied and pasted as many times as necessary within the same page. Notes are kept on one page during the same session (until the page is closed).

Double-click to change the font size value of the text boxes on the same page. The two objects must remain grouped together. (Optional item)

Button to copy ALL notes from Genially taken during the session. Does not work with the CONSERVE variable (see page 7)

Notes are saved in one page only



Text area that can be copied and pasted as many times as necessary within the same page. Notes are kept on all page with the green box during the same session (until the page is closed).

Double-click to change the font size value of the text boxes on the same page. The two objects must remain grouped together. (Optional item)

Button to copy notes from Genially taken during the session.

Keep this WITHIN each page where you want to see the note

Notes are saved in all pages where the text field is available

Optional function to be placed IN a page to erase the saved notes and allow to start over on new pages.

The CONSERVE variable allows you to save and keep notes from one session to another (same computer / same browser)

Optional function to be placed IN a page to erase all the notes recorded through the CONSERVE variable, place this for example at the end of a game if the same computer is going to be used by a different player


Button for deleting all the notes recorded via the CONSERVE variable

Notes that are only kept on one page

For notes kept on all pages of Genially

Input fields without spell checker

roll out menu

Group this with the image of you notepad etc.

Group this with the text box

Group this with the button/icon that will roll out the menu

Place these two on top of each other just outside of your page (can stick into the page a bit)