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The besBt BEstSHakespeareIdioms

Made by Leonardo Morrone

It comes from "Macbeth" (act 1 scene 7).

If you want to express that something is crucial or important, or perhaps highlight that the statement is the end of the conversation or situation.

Be all and end-all

It comes from "The Merchant of Venice" (act 2 scene 7) .

It’s in reference to the shiny precious metal gold. To say that all that glistens is not gold is to say that even though something looks good or valuable, it may not be.

All that glistens is not gold

It comes from "Henry V" (act 4 scene 1).

In it’s simplest form, to have a heart of gold is a good thing. It means you are a kind, helpful, thoughtful person.

Heart of gold

It comes from "The Tempest".

We now use the expression to say that you can't argue or disagree with a person or situation, since the rules were respected, all was equal, and no one cheated.

Fair Play

It comes from "Romeo and Juliet" (Prologue).

Two people who love each other but whose relationship seems destined to end badly could be described as star-crossed lovers.

Star-crossed lovers

It comes from "Julius Caesar" (act 1 scene 2).

It’s simply used to say that something makes no sense to you. It’s Greek to me just means I don’t understand it.

It’s Greek to me

It comes from "Hamlet" (act 3 scene 2).

It applies when someone is trying so hard to prove their innocence, it makes them seem guilty – like they clearly have something to hide..

The lady doth protest too much

It comes from " King John" (act 5 scene 7)

When we refer to elbow room, we mean the amount of excess space there is or, in some cases, isn’t.

Elbow room

In conclusion we can say that the great poet William Shakespeare created many idioms through his numerous writings, these were just a few examples, but it is thanks to him that the English language is so rich in words.
