arrivée PPDE
Sihame Lesné
Created on February 8, 2024
Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.
Check out what others have designed:
Accueil et accompagnement des PPDE
Objectif : emploi durable
-> vers l'EBE - CDI au smic à temps choisi-> vers autre solution répondant aux besoins
Réunions collectives
Constitution d'un groupe "promo"
Inscription sur la liste des volontaires par ordre d'arrivée chronologique
Bouche à oreilles - média - affiches.....
Conseiller FT - Mairie - autre structure sociale....
Accompagnement Socio-professionnel individuel et collectif
Mobilisation des volontaires (actions, ateliers collectifs, évènements...)
Etablissement d'une fiche portrait
Ecoute des besoins et des difficultés.
Recherche de solutions
accompagnement des projets en lien avec les acteurs locaux : Candidatures, PMSMP, Formations, ...
Sécurisation du parcours de chacun
donner le même niveau d'information sur l'expérimentaiton
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Fusce cursus quam lorem.
- Nunc euismod at nisl sed congue.
Note In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.
- Interactivity
- Animation
- Creativity
- Wow effect
- Magic
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Did you know?
In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Did you know?
In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Did you know?
In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Did you know?
In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.