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Examples of posters and the design thinking behind them


  1. NHS (2022) Better Health [Poster]. URL: www.nhs.uk/BetterHealth. 750x386.
  2. Fairey, S. (2008) Hope [Poster] 86×61
  3. Studio Anorak (2017) Dalston Childrens Festival [Poster] URL: https://anorakmagazine.com/pages/dalston-children-s-festival. 738x1037
  4. CCCU (2021) You Can [Poster] URL: https://issuu.com/canterburychristchurchuniversity/docs/canterbury_christ_church_prospectus_2021#google_vignette

A poster advertising the university, designed to deliver a single message: 'you can', to inspire possibility, opportunity and motivation.

CCCU advertisement

  • Lower case font using punctuation to emphasise the statement as fact.
  • Photo of a young adult, casually dressed shows the target audience and the people at the University.
  • Minimal text to draw attention to the message and image.
  • Predominant logo so viewers know where to sign up.

As a propaganda poster, its aim is to get a simple message across quickly to as many people as possible. It does not want to have too much text as it's unlikely people would stop to read it and would therefore reduce its audience viewers.

'Hope' art propaganda poster

  • The image is bold to send a clear message. Any uncertainty could spread the wrong message.
  • This poster is very clear in associating the word 'hope' with a person.
  • It is a representation of the American flag in the jacket pin and in the colour selection of red, white and blue to send an underlying, patriotic message.

This poster is about inspiring action, therefore the imagery has movement by showing a man in motion.

NHS campaign poster

  • The age of the gentleman shows the target audience; the older generation.
  • The text surrounds the man, repeating the word 'step' to emphasize his motion and journey to better health.
  • The font is clear, easy to read and bold for the older audience.
  • The background is a shade of NHS blue; a colour associated with medical care. It is optimistic, inspiring potential and motivation.

The title tells us that this is a festival for children and the content supports this promotion; it is brightly coloured appealling to kids and a bold font which is easy to read.

Dalston Festival advertisement

  • The imagery give an idea of the activities available at the festival, emphasising the 'fun' element in the text.
  • The imagery is front and centre of the poster to draw children's attention.
  • For the adults, the text is smaller for details about where and when.