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1. Beethoven's biography2. Everything that Beethoven composed3. His deafness


Beethoven was born in Bonn, currently Germany, in 1770. He died in Vienna in 1827. He was a German composer. Born into a family of Flemish origin, his father, given the evident qualities for music that little Ludwig demonstrated, tried to make him a second Mozart. Beethoven's true musical vocation did not begin until 1779, when he came into contact with the organist Christian Gottlob Neefe, who became his teacher. He was the one who introduced him to the study of Johann Sebastian Bach, a musician to whom Beethoven would always profess a deep devotion.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Beethoven's career is divided into three major periods:-The first stage covers the compositions written until 1800, characterized by closely following the model established by Mozart and Joseph Haydn and classicism in general, without excessive innovations or personal traits. Works such as the famous Septimino or his first two piano concertos belong to this period.-The second stage covers from 1801 to 1814, a period that can be considered mature, with completely original works in which Beethoven displays an absolute mastery of form and expression (the opera Fidelio, his first eight symphonies, his last three piano concertos, the Violin Concerto).-The third stage extends until the musician's death and is dominated by his most innovative and personal works, misunderstood at the time due to the novelty of his harmonic language and his unconventional form; the Symphony No. 9, the Missa solemnis, and the later string quartets and piano sonatas represent the culmination of this period and of Ludwig van Beethoven's style.

Everything that Beethoven composed

It seemed horrible to Beethoven that he, who was a musician and who needed hearing to hear his compositions, had to go deaf. In 1801, he wrote a letter to his doctor and friend Franz Gerhard Wegeler in which he lamented this fact. As he lost his hearing, Beethoven began to communicate in writing in his conversation notebooks, which he always carried with him. The musician's deafness began to manifest itself through tinnitus, ringing or whistling sounds that are heard in one or both ears without there being an external source of sound. The Beethoven-Haus Bonn music museum (in Germany) created a resource to try to show how he himself would have heard his 5th Symphony, one of the artist's best known. But Beethoven, despite his deafness, wanted to teach that for him this was not an impediment to continue composing. He indeed continued to compose deaf and his works were among the most famous in Germany, and today, in many other countries.​

His deafness

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