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Is Michelle's claim supported by evidence? Discuss and write down: What patterns did you notice in regards to diet in these four locations? Were there any commonalities between the foods and drinks they did or did not consume? What evidence supports Michelle’s claim that plant-based diets that are low in added sugar lead to a longer life expectancy? Record your responses in your Mission Log.

Diet: Michelle's Claim

Is Antonio's claim supported by evidence? Discuss and write down: What trends did you observe regarding physical activity in these four locations? Did you identify any common physical activities that people in all of these places participated in?What evidence supports Antonio’s claim that natural movement impacts life expectancy? Record your responses in your Mission Log.

Physical Activity: Antonio's Claim

Is Maddie's claim supported by evidence? Discuss and write down: What patterns did you notice regarding social interactions in these four regions? What evidence supports Maddie’s claim that social interactions and time with family is a factor that leads to a longer life expectancy? Record your responses in your Mission Log.

Social Interactions: Maddie's Claim









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Reflection Questions

Mike - Career Coach

Hello! I've heard you've been diving into the details of what affects life expectancy. It's natural to have many thoughts at this point. Personally, when I encounter new information, I find it helpful to pause and reflect on my feelings and thoughts. This process aids in better comprehension. Take a moment to answer these questions in your Mission Log. You're welcome to discuss your thoughts with a partner as well.

  • How does your lifestyle compare to the lifestyles of the people you just researched? What do you think this means for your health and life expectancy?
  • Consider your family members or those people closest to you, how would you describe their lifestyles? What does this make you think? How does it make you feel?
  • What could you personally do to live a healthier lifestyle? Is there anything you could do to help your loved ones be healthier or happier?
Keep up the great work,Mike

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