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Read out full Strategic Plan





Risks & KPI's

Risks & KPI's

Risks & KPI's

Risks & KPI's


Risks & KPI's

1. We will instigate more focussed, positive engagement with our local communities and devise a Community Pledge.2. We will set out a service design process, involving residents and other experts across all new services “to create opportunities to influence and shape the services we deliver”(Ref: Engagement Strategy)3. Our priorities for funding will be set out in a ‘revenue plan’.4. We will strengthen our core offer:

  • We will review our Model of Practice inline with new strategic plan
  • We will increase Engagement and Progression activities for residents in all areas

Our Intent objectives

1. We will complete the improvement of our ICT Systems, setting out implementation plans.2. We will constantly develop our Governance inline with the strategic plan3. We will develop a new approach to Quality standards across the organisation4. We will implement a move to a Business Partnering approach:

  • We will set out a clear Business Development process map
  • Conduct an HB compliance audit

Our Infrastructure objectives

1. We will implement a Strategic Communications strategy2. We will improve our skills in Evaluation:

  • building into bids where possible, working in partnership with academics
3. We will identify the best way of recording the impact Tyne makes with individual progress towards ‘a better place’.4. We will promote impact through partnership working

Our Impact objectives

1. We will maintain Tyne as an employer of choice, whilst maintaining competitiveness:

  • We will trial new ways of creating opportunities for employment with us
2. We will deliver a high quality Learning and Development programme aligned with our strategic needs3. We will support and develop a Learning culture and we will continue to learn from feedback

Our Inspiration objectives

1. We will deliver Housing Priority 1 & 2, a proposal for our current and future borrowing will be set out2. We will invest in our assets by using a effective Housing management approach 3. We will deliver Housing Priority 3 4. We will improve Value for Money5. We will invest in the environment

Our Investment objectives