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How Glady Authentication Works

Use the clickable icons to progress through the demonstration.


Gladly Authentication

Depending on the amount of information that Gladly has about a user, it can provide varying degrees of authentication.


Choose a potential path to see how Gladly can provide authentication.

Name 2

Name 4

Name 3

Ideal Path

Ideal Path

Great, you've chosen the ideal path where a user will be authenticated smoothly and easily.

Choose New PATH

Click Let's Chat to see how this plays out.

Ideal Path

Choose New PATH

In the Ideal Path, the customer is already logged in on the website. Gladly has the necessary information about the user to fully authenticate them.

Ideal Path

See the Agent experience

Sidekick in action

Click through the interactive icons to see how a Thread develops with a Customer.


Threads are directly connected to the Customer Profile, so Sidekick is able to respond to the Customer with information from their account.

Sidekick in action

Click through the interactive icons to see how a Thread develops with a Customer.

A Thread has Sub-Actions that help steer the Conversation down a relevant path, keeping the Customer engaged and feeling acknowledged.


Sidekick in action

Click through the interactive icons to see how a Thread develops with a Customer.


The generative AI paired with Threads ensures that Sidekick can quickly pivot to new Contact reasons with its new, unique sets of actions.

Sidekick in action

Click through the interactive icons to see how a Thread develops with a Customer.

Threads keep the Sidekick experience delightful for Customers by taking the same actions as would an Agent while providing the same personalized support.

That's it!



The Agent sees the Customer has sent a trusted message. This is indicated by the Trusted message icon above the Chat text.