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Complete the conversation

Do the 4 tasks


Treasure hunt

Part 01

Part 02

Part 03

Full conversation

Part 04

Do the 4 parts and get a diploma

Part 01

Select the correct option



Person A: Hey, have you finished the report _________ I asked you to work on?Person B: Yeah, I did it last night. It's all set.

¡Perfect, you did it!

Continue with the next part


Part 02

Select the correct option



Person A: Really? That was quick. Let me take a look.Person B: Well, I may have had some help from a friend _________ assisted me.

¡Perfect, you did it!

Continue with the next part


Part 03

replace the underlined sentence with one expression

I understand

I don't buy it

Person A: What? You didn't do it yourself?Person B: Well, not entirely. My friend helped me a little bit.Person A: I don't believe it. You were supposed to work alone.

¡Perfect, you did it!

Continue with the next part


Part 04

replace the underlined sentence with one expression

I'll make it up to you

I get it

Person B: I know, I know. I'll compensate you. I'll do the next assignment solo.Person A: Fine, but this better not happen again.



Person A: Hey, have you finished the report ___that______ I asked you to work on?Person B: Yeah, I did it last night. It's all set.Person A: Really? That was quick. Let me take a look.Person B: Well, I may have had some help from a friend ___who______ assisted me.Person A: What? You didn't do it yourself?Person B: Well, not entirely. My friend helped me a little bit.Person A: I don't buy it. You were supposed to work alone.Person B: I know, I know. I'll make it up to you. I'll do the next assignment solo.Person A: Fine, but this better not happen again.

Treasure hunt

¡Cool!You completed the conversation. Click on next to see the full conversation


¡Perfect, you did it!

Continue with the next part


Dear student

This diploma is thanks to your great effort.


This answer is incorrect

Try again ¡you can do it!
