Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Answer your teacher's questions correctly to roll the dice


Answer the questions correctly to roll the dice

Throw again


Bonnes vacances!


  • The game can be played by 2 to 4 players.
  • Each player must choose a chip and roll the dice (just click on the digital die and wait for it to stop).
  • The player who gets the highest number will be the one who starts the game.
  • To play, each participant must roll the dice and move his/her piece to the corresponding square.
  • Some of the squares on the board have a special meaning.
  • If the player lands on a SURPRISE square, he/she wins the right to move to the next SURPRISE square, and can also repeat the roll.
  • If he/she lands on an X2 or X3 square, he/she must multiply the number on the dice by the corresponding number and advance that number of squares.
  • If he/she lands in the DANGER square, the player may not roll the dice again until another player passes through that square.
  • The winner is the one who reaches the "goal" line first.
  • IMPORTANT! These instructions are for guidance only. Feel free to edit the game in your own way and assign "prizes" or "punishments" to the different squares according to your preferences.

Miss a turn

+ 3 spaces

- 2 spaces

Miss a turn

Move a player -5

Move a player -5

Miss a turn

+ 3 spaces

Throw again

Throw again

+ 6 spaces

Move a player -2

+5 spaces if you can name 3 hotel facilities!

+ 5 spaces if you can give 5 modes of transport!

+5 spaces if you can name 3 Francophone countries