Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Progetto banconota

La mia banconota

Gli studenti sono invitati a realizzare il bozzetto di una banconota immaginaria sul tema "Misurare la realtà".L'argomento proposto vuole promuovere l'importanza del conoscere con esattezza e precisione: conto, dunque sono. Il riferimento è rivolto alle misurazioni della vita quotidiana: banconote, depositi, redditi, ricchezze.


Studenti e studentesse dovranno realizzare il bozzetto di unabanconota “immaginaria” riflettendo su un argomento dalforte valore sociale e di educazione finanziaria e raccoglierecosì le loro emozioni e i loro pensieri.La Banca d’Italia è tradizionalmente impegnataad accrescere il livello di cultura finanziaria nel Paese,anche attraverso il coinvolgimento degli studenti e degliinsegnanti in specifiche iniziative didattiche.Nell’ambito di un consolidato rapporto di collaborazione,la Banca d’Italia e il Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito,indicono l’undicesima edizione del Premio per la Scuola



'Your content is liked, but it's much more engaging if it's interactive'


To create a good introduction, in addition to providing context for what will be discussed, it is essential to explain why this work is necessary, use a formal and impersonal tone, and organize the information.In this space, it is also recommended to establish the importance of the topic, discuss previous and current research in the field, and identify what the problem is.Our brain is wired to consume visual content. Some data: 90% of the information we process comes through our sight, and we process visual content up to 60,000 times faster than text. That's why visual communication is more effective.

We also recommend that interactivity and animation be present in all your creations, no matter their type.These two pillars of communication can make the most boring content fun and memorableNeed more reasons to create dynamic content to tell stories?Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.

'Your content is liked, but it's much more engaging if it's interactive'


To create a good introduction, in addition to providing context for what will be discussed, it is essential to explain why this work is necessary, use a formal and impersonal tone, and organize the information.In this space, it is also recommended to establish the importance of the topic, discuss previous and current research in the field, and identify what the problem is.Our brain is wired to consume visual content. Some data: 90% of the information we process comes through our sight, and we process visual content up to 60,000 times faster than text. That's why visual communication is more effective.

We also recommend that interactivity and animation be present in all your creations, no matter their type.These two pillars of communication can make the most boring content fun and memorableNeed more reasons to create dynamic content to tell stories?Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.

Use this space to put a great sentence.

Use this space to put a great sentence.

Use this space to puta great sentence.

Use this space to put a cool phrase.

Use this space to put a cool sentence.

Use this space to put a great sentence.


write a title

Surname, Name


Surname, Name


Surname, Name


Surname, Name


Surname, Name


Surname, Name
