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Operating anEvacuation chair

Steps innvolved in operating the evacuation chair

Operating anEvacuation chair

Recall the steps involved in safely manoeuvring the evacuation chair down stairs

Understand how to operate the evacuation chair on level ground

Evaluate the steps involved to safely assist in the transfer of a person in and out of the evacuation chair

List the safety risks and precausions when operating an evacuation chair


Learning objectives


Safety risks & precautions

Overview of the safety risks involved in operating an evacuation chair and the precautions to be aware of

Transferring a person in & out of the evac chair

Overview of the safe transfer of someone in and out of an evacuation chair


Manoeuvring an evac chair on level ground

Step by step instructions detailing how to manoeuvre an evacuation chair on level ground


Manoeuvring an evac chair down stairs

Step by step instructions detailing how to manoeuvre an evacuation chair down stairs




When we think about transferring another person in and out of an evacuation chair, we need to think of our own safety and limitations, as well as the safety of the person who needs to use the evacuation chair.It's for this reason that we should not attempt to lift another person without first completing the appropriate lifting and handling training first.With that in mind, there are still ways that we can assist in transferring a person safely during an evacuation.

Operating anEvacuation chair


The process of transferring someone into an evacuation chair differs depending on whether they use a wheelchair or not. Take a look at each process to help you understand the differences.

Operating anEvacuation chair


Non wheelchair user

Wheelchair user



Operating anEvacuation chair

Watch the video to see how to safely assist the transfer of users onto the evac chair



Evac chair transfer - video


Operating anEvacuation chair


Evac chair transferSafety tips

Whenever assisting with a transfer, always consider the above safety tips

Question 2

Question 3

Question 1


We have now completed the transferring section of this module. Before you move on, answer the 3 questions below to see how much you remember.

Operating anEvacuation chair

Transferring - quiz


Operating anEvacuation chair




Once the user is safely in the evacuation chair, it is time to start manoeuvring it.As you are likely to be a little way away from the evacuation stairs, you will need to manoeuvre the evacuation chair across level ground before lining up to the top of the stairs ready for decent. It's during the period of the user transferring into the chair, and you then beginning to move it, that you may need to bear some of the weight of the user. For this reason, be mindful that you are holding the chair comfortably to avoid injury.

Manoeuvring on level ground

Steps on handling the evac chair on level ground

Move forward

Deploy trolley assembly

Close trolley assembly

How to manoeuvre on level ground

Fasten belt

Operating anEvacuation chair



Operating anEvacuation chair

Watch the video to see how to safely manoeuvre an evacuation chair along level ground



Evac chair moving on level ground - video


Operating anEvacuation chair


Evac chair manoeuvring on level groundSafety tips

Whenever manoeuvring on level ground, always consider the above safety tips

Question 2

Question 3

Question 1



We have now completed the manoeuvring section of this module. Before you move on, answer the 3 questions below to see how much you remember.

Operating anEvacuation chair

Manoeuvring - quiz

Operating anEvacuation chair




You have manoeuvred the evacuation chair to the position at the top of the stairs, and now it is time to descend.This point in the evacuation may seem the most daunting, but in reality, the chair will do most of the work for you. It is just your job to keep the chair steady and not let go!During this next section, we will take a look at how to safely descend the stairs with an evacuation chair.

Descending stairs

Step by step of descending stairs with the evacuation chair


Moving over first step

Pivoting on landing area

How to descend the stairs

Preparing descent

Operating anEvacuation chair



Operating anEvacuation chair

Watch the video to see how to safelydescend an evacuation chair down stairs



Evac chair descending stairs - video


Operating anEvacuation chair


Evac chair manoeuvring on level groundSafety tips

Whenever descending stairs, always consider the above safety tips

Question 2

Question 3

Question 1



We have now completed the descending section of this module. Before you move on, answer the 3 questions below to see how much you remember.

Operating anEvacuation chair

Descending - quiz

Safety risks and precautions

Operating anEvacuation chair



Ensure the individual is comfortably positioned with their back against the backrest. The seatbelt is securely fastened, avoiding excessive tightening. The individual should breathe comfortably.

Training and practicing helps familiarise you with the chair’s operation and instils confidence in its usage, making a significant difference during high-stress situations.

Assess your surroundings, ensuring that their are no obstructions prior to descent. The chair may impair your ability to see clearly in front so make sure to check your surrounds first & never attempt to descend a crowded staircase

For heavier weights, call on another person to assist in the transfer and manoeuvring of the chair, but remember, never lift someone else without proper training.

When assisting someone into an evacuation chair, approach with empathy and patience. Explain the process clearly and obtain consent before any physical contact.

Maintain a firm grip on the handles and use the chair’s wheels for smooth movement. Avoid sudden turns or jerky motions to ensure the safety and comfort of the individual in the chair.

Operating anEvacuation chair


Recall the steps involved in safely manoeuvring the evacuation chair down stairs

Understand how to operate the evacuation chair on level ground

Evaluate the steps involved to safely assist in the transfer of a person in and out of the evacuation chair

Great work on completing the third section of this course!Let's now reflect on our learning objectives.


List the safety risks and precausions when operating an evacuation chair

You will now be asked a question from each objective. To answer each question, just click on the objective and once you have answered the question, click the objective again to close the question box before moving on to the next objective. There are 3 questions to answer.


You have now completed this section and can move on to the next module in this course.


  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • When the front wheels come in to contact with the first landing, whilst the ski assembly is still on the stairs, pause again and re-position your hands by sliding them down to a vertical position on each side of the handle.
  • This will allow the two-wheel position to be adopted when crossing the landing.
  • The ‘pivot’ action is necessary to re-position the Chair at the top of next flight of stairs. Repeat the stairway descent procedure.

Step four

Pivoting the chair
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index

Step three

Descending the stairs
  • Once the tracks have made contact with the top two stair nosings, pause briefly and re-position your hands by sliding them upwards to the top of the handle.
  • Now, press downwards in a vertical direction to maintain continuous contact with the two stair ‘nosings’ and enable you to move down the stairs smoothly without causing a ‘bumping’ action.
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index

When you're ready to launch:

  • Place feet apart, one foot in front of the other.
  • Tilt the chair slightly backwards and push the chair over the first stair.
  • The purpose of this action is to ensure that friction belts make contact with the top two stair ‘nosings’. This should be done in one single, smooth, bump free movement.

Step Two

Moving over the top step
  • Place the evacuation chair to the side of the wheelchair
  • Operator should hold the chair steady by placing one foot on the blue grip bar at the bottom on the chair, whilst holding the top hand grips with both hands either side.
  • If the user has enough stength to guide themselves to the evac chair then just have another person to support with this manoeuvre.
  • If the user does not have the ability to guide themselves, this should be outlined in a PEEP and the person supporting the transfer must have the relevant lifting and handling training

If the person being transferred is in a wheelchair:

  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index

To achieve this:

Step four

Preparing to descend

When you have reached the top of the stairs the kick stand must be closed and secured before beginning your decent.

  • The chair must be tilted slightly forward
  • Reassure the passenger that this is normal procedure
  • It is best to do this away from the top of the stairs
  • Then close the kick stand. The chair will now be in the two wheeled position and ready to be moved within 12 inches from the top ‘inside’ of the staircase.
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Place evacuation chair directly behind them
  • Additional support can be given by another person to help guide them into the seat
  • Operator should hold the chair steady by placing one foot on the blue grip bar at the bottom on the chair, whilst holding the top hand grips with both hands either side.

If the person being transferred is able to stand or walk short distances:

Step three

Moving forward on level ground

Once the kick stand is fully opened the evacuation chair can be used to travel smoothly and quickly along level ground on four wheels. It is at this point that you no longer need to keep hold of the chair, as even when you remove your hands from the handle bar, the chair is held stable by the rear kick stand wheels.

  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index

To do this:

Pull foot backwards

Place foot on bar

Step two

Get ready to move forward

Before you are able to start moving the evacuation chair forward on level ground, the kick stand (also known as the trolley assembly) at the base of the chair should first be deployed.

  • Place your foot on the bottom bar of the rear trolley
  • Pull your foot backwards
  • At this point the kick stand will unclip and automatically open.
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index

To balance the chair:

To start moving from the ‘balance point, the top of the handle must be tilted back about 3-4 inches, which allows the chair to roll along the floor on the two front wheels. This means the chair can be turned with ease by pivoting around rather than by ‘pushing’ or ‘steering’.

Step one

Securing the user

The first step in manoeuvring the user in the evacuation chair on level ground is to ensure that the user is secure. The seat belt should be fastened and the operator needs to balance the chair.

  • Take your foot off the bottom bar
  • Ease the chair backwards until it reaches its 'balancing point' - This is when the front wheels and the bottom horizontal bar of the frame are on the ground.

Step one

Get ready to descend

As we covered during the previous section, when you are ready to descend the stairs, you should make sure that you first position the evacuation chair approx. 12cm away from the first step.Prior to this the kick stand should have been closed back into the chair, and your hands should still be firmly placed either side of the handle bar.

  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index
  • Safety risks and precautions
  • Transferring
  • Descending stairs
  • Moving on level gorund
  • Index